His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 843: Doomed Engagement (23)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanchen's sharp eyes looked at him, and in his cool tone, he was extremely displeased: "What's my circle, you're married."

Time poked his lips, "IMHO, I always felt that I had taken you out of this circle and married my circle?"

Lu Yanchen couldn't laugh or cry: "You keep thinking about it, people who don't know think it's someone you like to get engaged."

He was laughing, but Solving felt the danger was overwhelming, and she smiled charmingly: "I just gossip and gossip, I can't help thinking, when you met me, if I had a boyfriend, What if you still want to get engaged, what will you do, will you be sad and desperate, looking for life and finding that you can't live without me, then come directly to him to grab the marriage. "

Lu Yanchen raised his lips and looked at her silently: "..."

"What kind of look do you have. As a man, you have to be generous, if you love a woman, you have to bear everything, even if it hurts her."

When time was talking, someone was pulling her clothes next to her.

Because Lu Yanchen ignored her, she slapped Lu Yanchen: "Is that right?"

Lu Yanchen glanced at her, and her eyes motioned beside her.

"Don't worry about him, tell me right, right?" Time's attention was still on Lu Yanchen.

"Yes, you are right," Lu Yanchen said, looking at her feet.

Time realized that someone had been pulling her horns. She turned her head and was shocked: "Little white, why are you here?"

Xiaobai's muzzle was high, and he sniffed his nose. "Dad brought me."

"What about your father?"

"Dad is gone. Let me find my uncle."

Time looked around blankly, but did not see the figure of the elder brother, looking at Lu Yanchen: "Which one is the elder brother singing?"

Lu Yanchen looked at Xiaobai, with a little thought in his eyes: "It should be a good show."

Time: "..."

The emcee finished speaking the scene, applause rang, and the emcee invited the two main characters to play today with a smile.

The palm rang again.

Ishizawa walked in front of Su Qianyu, the gentleman held out his hand, and then held her, stepping on the stage gracefully and calmly.

Looking at them, someone whispered from time to time below.

"I didn't expect Su's daughter, but she was a film actress Chihiro!"

"Shi's stock is definitely going to go up."

"Don't say that, this stone is a good match for Chihiro."


When Shi Guang heard them say they were a good match, they couldn't help rolling their eyes.

Where did it go? Chihiro is tall and beautiful. It ’s as high as Ishizawa without high heels. This is a little taller than Ishizawa. Ishizawa is a bit handsome, but not super handsome This kind of standing next to Chihiro, who is all over the country, is a small candlelight beside Mingyue.

I don't understand what this group of people think.

At this moment, Xiaobai holding her hand suddenly broke away from her hand. When the time had not yet passed, he watched him fart and went towards the engagement table.

Shiguang's eyes were round and his mouth was enough to hold an egg. What is Xiaobai doing?

A child suddenly came to the stage, and everyone present was shocked, but it was still behind them that shocked them even more.

I saw the pretty little boy. After rushing to the stage, he suddenly held Su Qianyu's thigh and shouted, "Mom !!!"


PS: Haha ~~ Baby bomb is coming, I don't know how many will faint. Selling monthly tickets and recommendation tickets ~~

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