His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 857: The confusing truth (7)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Yan Zi twitched her mouth, but she resisted her inner joy, her face was calm, but her feet couldn't be controlled, and she hurried forward and hugged Shize.

Ishizawa hugged her and smiled.

It is most comfortable to be with Yan Zi. This woman is the best for him, so marrying her is easy.

He was going to hold Yan Zi in the bathroom ... just then, the phone rang,

Shi Ze let go of Yan Zi, and then went to answer the phone. He didn't know what was said on the other side of the phone. He squeezed the phone tightly with his fingers, and his muscles were exposed.

Yan Zi looked at him beside him, frowning slowly, after Ishize hung up the phone, he quickly asked: "What happened? What happened?"

"I created such a powerful public opinion, obviously that video is still a real hammer, why do they still agree with Lu Yanchen on bail?" Tian

Yan Zi was surprised: "Bail? He killed, but how can he be released on bail?"

Ishizawa pressed his lips tightly, his complexion had become haggard.

He didn't believe it. The Lu family really could cover the sky with one hand. It had so much patience and could ignore it. He really used his power to make Lu Yanchen okay.

If that's the case, the power of the Lu family will be over. After all, there are many people who want to pull Lu family off the stage of history in a secret way. At such a critical moment, I really want to see how the Lu family chooses.

After he figured it out, he smiled at Yan Zi: "It's okay, I'm too anxious, just casually release them on bail, maybe we can use this time to really bring down the Lu family."

"Really?" Yan Zi was surprised.

"Of course, but just need to add a fire."

Shi Ze sneered, his face grim, and his **** and bloodthirsty revenge was getting higher and higher. He didn't believe it. Lu Yanchen would be fine! !!


Lu Yanchen was detained for 24 hours and then released on bail.

It was not the Lu family who came to bail, but Chu Mubei.

Chu Mubei originally thought that Lu Yanchen should have been convicted at the police station. As a result, he was treated well, his expression was calm, and he looked calm and confident. I really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He sighed, "Lao Lu, outside the city is full of wind and rain, we are so anxious that we are so busy, and time is fast and we are going crazy. Why are you just like a lonely person with a leisurely look?"

When he heard about time, Lu Yanchen was only slightly condensed. "What happened to time? I didn't tell her not to worry, I will be fine."

"Do you know that the video was taken to push you? It was not a fake. Time said that you answered the phone before you went up. To be honest, Lu, I really don't believe it if you don't have any precautions." Chu Mubei I always understand how you look like: "When I said that you were bail, it was unwilling to come here. Now why did you suddenly let you bail? What did you do?"

"Is she outside?" Lu Yanchen didn't return to Chu Mubei, she naturally meant time.

"Yes, time is waiting for you in the car outside, I will let Xiao Chen accompany." Xiao Chen is Lu Yanchen's assistant.

"Go back and talk." Lu Yanchen said to go out.

Chu Mubei let time wait in the car, but time was anxious, and he couldn't bear to get out of the car. He didn't want to just get out of the car, and then a bunch of reporters didn't know where to come around.

Time flies.

Xiao Chen hurried forward, protecting time behind him, but still couldn't stop the bombing of the reporter.

"Miss Shi, were you there when Lu Yanchen pushed someone down?"

"Miss Shi, it really is like what is said on the Internet. Is Lu Yanchen killing because of you?"

"Miss Shi, Lu Yanchen is so deadly. Have you ever thought about public opinion?"


PS: I wish you all a Merry Christmas ~~

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