His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 858: The Bewildered Truth (8)

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Because of time worrying about Lu Yanchen, she did not sleep all night and was exhausted physically and mentally. At this moment, a group of people surrounded her, her voice was mixed, and her aggressiveness was almost deafening.

Inexplicably dark before her eyes.

I really didn't want to, and I didn't have the energy to deal with this group of reporters, but their sharp words made her really irritable and fretting.

She took a deep breath and was about to speak.

A low-pitched male voice suddenly came from the left side, coldly with the cold temperature, saying line by line, "I'm the case's party. Any questions should be asked."

It was Lu Yanchen's voice. Time was a joy and he turned his head. Just when he saw Lu Yanchen's glance, the group of reporters surrounded him like he was crazy.

They asked very sharp questions.

"Mr. Lu, what happened to Wu Xing's sudden death?"

"The online video says that you pushed Wu Xing to jump downstairs. What is the reason?"

"Wu Xing's relationship with Miss Time, do you know? Is his death related to this?"


The reporters were so crowded that the interview microphone in his hand was raised so high that Lu Yanchen's face was almost hit him.

Just when everyone was around Yanchen and their attention was on Lu Yanchen, a woman suddenly did not know where to run out, and she rushed to the front of time.

"Time !!!!" She seemed to be going to time, but she was blocked by time, and she took the time's arm with her hands, pinching her fingernails tightly, and embedded it in the skin of time. You killed me and the coach, you bad girl, you will have to die !!! "

Time faltered.

When she saw what the woman holding her hand was, He frowned, and threw her hand vigorously, "He Xinnuo, you are neurotic."

"Why the coach is dead, not you are dead, how can a bad woman like you still be alive, it is you, it is because of you that Lu Yanchen will kill the coach!" He Xinnuo said excitedly, holding on to death Time hands.

Any time can't shake it.

Time did not dare to use force to beat people. After all, so many reporters were there. If she did it, she really did n’t know how the headline would be written, and whether she would drag everything onto Lu Yanchen.

At such a critical time, Lu Yanchen really couldn't have any more bad scandals.

When He Xinnuo shouted, he also reached out and wanted to hit the ears of time.

But someone's hand was caught, and a brute force suddenly separated them, and this strength made He Xin slammed to the ground.

She looked up and saw that Lu Yanchen was holding time in his arms.

Lu Yanchen's eyes looked cold as ice, as if the sharp blade could pierce her, He Xinnuo issued a hint of fear from the bottom of her heart, but the thought of Lu Yanchen's murder, the Lu family could not keep him, she was immediately angry Already.

She sat on the ground and screamed, "You guys and girls, there is no good news! Do n’t think you killed the coach, no one knows, Lu Yanchen, time is a bitch, just a bad shoe, I must I will look at you fiercely ... so you must die! "

Lu Yanchen hugged time, his face was calm, without a trace of expression, but his gaze condensed.

He coldly pointed at Xiao Chen next to him, pointed to He Xinnuo with anger, and said impatiently: "She fabricated and spread fictional facts, devalued others 'personality, damaged others' reputation, and sued her! "

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