His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 859: The Bewildered Truth (9)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

After Lu Yanchen said, he took the time and got on the car, leaving He Xinnuo, who was already scared like a wooden chicken.

The car moved forward slowly and looked back in time. Those reporters were chasing He Xinnuo for an interview. It was probably that Lu Yanchen's indictment had taken effect. She felt afraid. Interview.

Feeling a strong arm holding her in her arms fiercely, time regained her gaze, then stretched out her hands and hugged Lu Yanchen with eagerness and peace of mind.

She asked in a crying voice, "Are you all right?"

Lu Yanchen kissed her forehead sideways: "What can I do, I haven't told you already, don't worry, just go and assist the investigation."

She pressed her face to his chest and listened to his breathing evenly, only to feel her heart calm down.

"But there wasn't that video. I started to think that video was fake. I said later that it wasn't fake. There were no traces of intentional editing. Now everyone is wrong against you and killed someone. You said how I might not worry." Said: "In order to get revenge on you, Shi Ze is unscrupulous. I don't know what he will do next. After all, some people want money and die, like Wu Xing ..."

Speaking, she stopped immediately, looking up at Lu Yanchen: "It's really terrible to be framed by planted loot, I understand this feeling!"

She has been filthy stimulants many times.

Lu Yanchen ** her face: "Do you believe me?"

That kind of real hammer video, it is difficult to make people still believe him, after all, most people only believe in their own eyes.

Time said with certainty: "Of course I believe in you!"

Lu Yanchen smiled, holding her tighter.

Chu Mubei, the co-pilot in front, couldn't help but say something to Xiao Chen who drove: "People who are in love are hopeless. When is this time, and can kiss me here? "

Shiguang glanced at him: "Chu Mubei, you wait, watch your heart, when you like a girl, how would I laugh at you."

Chu Mubei expressed disapproval: "That is absolutely impossible!"

Lu Yanchen looked at Chu Mubei and said, "Go and investigate Wu Xing. All his accounts, as well as the current situation of his family, including the records of his past visits to the hospital, must be carefully investigated."

"Hospital? Why should he check his records at the hospital?" Chu Mubei was puzzled.

"Because he said he can't live anymore, and before he died, he wanted to do something meaningful for his family. He hoped that I wouldn't hurt his family because of him. He also had no choice." Slightly froze.

"Fuck, what the **** isn't it selling money for death?" Chu Mubei said when he started calling and instructed people to investigate.

Time looked at Lu Yanchen: "What happened on the roof that day?"

Chu Mubei in the front was equally curious and turned to look at them.

"Go back and watch the video."


Xiao Chen, who has been quiet, said, "Before Lu Shao went to the banquet, he arranged a few aerial photos."

Chu Mubei laughed and laughed: "I rely on, I know Lao Lu, you can't have no back move."

Lu Yanchen was silent. He didn't expect Shi Ze. He would copy his father's tragedy and take revenge on him. He really looked at him. No matter how many years have passed, he is still quick and quick!

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