His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 867: The Amazing Truth (17)

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Anyway, now Shi Ze will not be engaged with Su Qianzhen, even if Su Ya knows his relationship with Shi Ze, it seems to have nothing to do with it.

Thinking so, Yan Zi called Su Ya's phone.

"What do you say? Take advantage of this opportunity to magnify the ambiguous relationship between time and Wu Xing?" Su Ya was a little surprised, but she was sure in her heart. Sure enough, Yan Zi and Shi Ze had a leg, so it is no wonder that Lu Yanchen would say something like that.

Obviously, Lu Yanchen also knew the relationship between Yan Zi and Shi Ze. It seemed that she had to find someone to investigate Yan Zi.

"In this way, time and fame will stink. Such a woman, Lu family, will definitely let her and Lu Yanchen leave, and the old man will definitely not let my little aunt go with her again." Yan Ziyou said.

"let me see."

Su Ya did not refuse, but she had refused in her heart, and she was not stupid. Where would she not know Yan Zi's idea, and how could she help Yan Zi?

This matter of Lu Yanchen has so great an influence. Many speculations and gossips are endless. Lu Yanchen will definitely give an account.

At this time, she mixed the fish, if Lu Yanchen's explanation was not satisfactory to the public, it would be a good move for her.

But if Lu Yanchen confesses to the public that she is very satisfied, the whole thing is just a farce that doesn't hurt and it doesn't pay off.

She won't do the hard work.

However, I really didn't expect that the relationship between Yan Zihui and Shi Ze was unclear. However, they both hated Lu's family at first, and it was not strange for them to join together.

At that time, the person who spent so much manpower and material resources to remove Mo Feifei from the hospital, and the person behind him, must be Ishisawa!

The door was pushed open, Xu Yafeng hurried in, and then closed the door.

She turned on the sound of the TV and looked at Yan Zi with anxiety in her face. "What to do? Su Qianzhen and the old man seem to know."

"Know what?" Su Ya frowned.

"Know that time is related to them?" Xu Yafeng began to tremble because of fear.

In this statement, Su Ya's head burst into a thunder, and she stared at Xu Yafeng with her eyes wide open. "How could it be, how would they know?"

"After meeting the old man that day, I was always upset. Chihiro came today, and I went overhearing. Sure enough, I heard the old man ask her, what happened to the paternity test?"

"You're definitely talking about time. That child called Su Qianzhao a mother, and the old man definitely wanted them to do a paternity test."

"I feel the same way, but Su Qianji replied that he hasn't done it yet. Lu Yanchen has had such a big deal at this time. The people in Lu's family are now very busy. How could she mention the matter of identification? Rest assured, the two appraisals will be done together. If you hear nothing, it is two appraisals! In addition to Su Qianyi and that child, who and who is another appraisal? "

Su Yaben's ugly face sank even more solemnly at the moment, "Are you sure?"

"OK, that's two."

"That being the case, their paternity test must be done," Su Ya said, narrowing her eyes and keeping her face cold, "then do?"

"What? Then ... how?"

"Otherwise, there is no way to go straight up and say not to do an identification?"

Xu Yafeng knew that it wouldn't work, that would be tantamount to not calling herself. She thought about it and said, "Call your brother and ask him what to do?"

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