His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 868: The Bewildered Truth (18)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Wencheng was in a meeting when she received Su Ya's phone call. After hearing what she said, she immediately went outside holding the phone.

"How could the old man suddenly have to check Su Qianyu and Shi Guang's appraisal." He asked in a calm voice: "Are you showing a flaw?"

"Should not. Except that time I used bitterness to prevent time and Su Qianzhang from contacting me. Didn't I have any contact with them?" Su Ya didn't know that she called to follow the people who met Time and Su Qianzhang. Lu Yanchen Time and Su Qianzheng have been known.

"Then they have no reason to think about it, you don't even know that you have revealed your flaws." Su Wencheng was extremely calm.

"Brother, what do you do now?" Su Ya was still a little panicked.

"As you said, let them check, but the result is in our hands. You should know how to do it. I still have to open it and hang up first." Su Wencheng put the mobile phone back in his pocket and smiled slightly. , And opened the door of the meeting room again.

After Su Ya ended her call with Su Wencheng, she chatted for a long time.

Did she show a flaw? But where exactly did it make them doubt that she didn't agree with time because they had grievances, why shouldn't they have thought about her life experience?

In the end, how could Su Qianji think of testing her kinship with time?

Although it is said that they should be tested, if it can be prevented, it can still be prevented as much as possible. She will cooperate with Yan Zishize once.

Immediately another call was made. "Xiaoyang, there is something you need to do ..."

Yan Zi was heavier than she thought. She asked Chang Xiaoyang to help Yan Zi to make Mo Feifei disappear, but she didn't even know that the person behind Yan Zi was Shi Ze.

It has also made her unsure whether Murphy's last real disappearance is related to her again. .


Only one night, the wind on the Internet seemed to change again.

The public opinion created by Shi Ze and Yan Zi said that the reason for Lu Yanchen's suicide is that the effect is quite obvious.

However, with the previous video reversal, not many people actually joined Ishizawa. Netizens are now smart. They are waiting, eating melon, seeing if there is a reversal, and finally standing in line.

The direct attacks on the Internet are more of the naval forces that Ishizawa paid for.

They make rumors, smear, and malicious attacks, and their time is worsened by the most scumbag woman in the world.

This time was not angry, but Lu Yanchen was angry.

Yesterday, Shen Lingshuang phoned Lu Yanchen and let him let Shi Ze return. Lu Yanchen thought that if Shi Ze was no longer entangled, he was willing to let things go.

However, Ishizawa used the attack time to counterattack him, trying to create a woman who gave him a green hat, and then he would use the means to force Wu Xing to commit suicide.

Seeing those unfavourable comments below Time Weibo, he smashed the phone directly to the ground.

He was preparing for a hearty dinner, and Chu Mubei, who was watching the information, was taken aback by him.

Time put down himself, just finished the oiled prawns, wiped his hands on the apron, and then helped him pick up the broken cell phone.

"what happened?"

"It's okay." Lu Yanchen was very distressed. If it weren't for him, she would not have suffered such an attack.

Shi Guang glanced at Chu Mubei next to him, and Chu Mubei ordered the Weibo app on his mobile phone, and Shimu immediately knew why.

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