His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 876: The Bewildered Truth (26)

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Yan Zi cried and laughed.

Yeah, yeah, they were partners, and she was happy for him when he was about to get engaged.

Because she knew that Shi Ze didn't like Su Qianzhen.

However, when she knew that Shi Ze saw time and was interested in time, she deliberately did not tell Shi Ze that time was small and time was Lu Yanchen's wife. She was afraid that Shi Ze learned Yang Chifeng to pursue time because of Lu Yanchen. She was afraid that Shi Ze was in love with time as much as Yang Chifeng.

Obviously just partners.

But he was the one she believed most in her life.

They said they believed in each other and worked together to revenge the Lu family. They are close comrades-in-arms. Even if they are not married, they will always be together.

She never thought she would marry him. He said he was going to marry her. What is it now, what is it ...

It doesn't matter, they don't see each other. They are partners, not just cooperation.

But why was the heart so painful, the painful nerve endings spread to the limbs, making her feel the body, as if cut by a thousand swords, and the blood was dripping with blood.

"Did something happen to you, or did Lu Yanchen threaten you?" Ten years, they have known each other for ten years. For ten years, he is the only belief in her heart. She does not believe that he will suddenly change his attitude towards him.

"Haha, Lu Yanchen threatened me ?! Why should I treat you like this, Yan Zi, haven't you understood so far? I have only used and hated you. What I hate most is not Lu Yanchen who harmed my dad to prison, The married woman who seduced my dad into derailment, okay? "Ishize sneered:" Give you hope, I hope you marry me, it's just for revenge on her daughter for today!

Yan Zi's head suddenly bombed.

Derailed married woman ... She bit her lip so hard that her lips were bleeding from her bite. After half a ring, she shook her head: "No, no, no!"

Impossible, how is it possible that the target of her mother's derailment at that time was Chief Lu, the father of Lu Yanchen, how could it ... how could she become the father of Ishizawa.

how is this possible! !!

Do not! Do not! !! !!

"Ishizawa ... you lied to me, right, you lied to me, right!" Yan Zi finally collapsed, giving out a sharp voice like a tear! !!

She stared at Shi Ze, but Shi Ze just sneered.

"Impossible, impossible !!!" She yelled screamingly, unable to bear the fact that her body fell down softly, "bang!" There was a loud noise, her forehead rested on the coffee table, her scalp broke The bright red blood leaked out.

Shi Ze looked at Yan Zi and tried to help her by hand, but he held back again.

Yan Zi had already got up at this time, and Shi Ze looked at the figure running out of her, and sent out a deep grin from the bottom of her heart, laughing non-stop! !!

Lu Yanchen, fierce enough! !! Your revenge is too successful, too successful!


Yan Zi didn't believe it. She was going to ask her mother. She was going to ask Su Liping. Yan Zi's car hadn't drove so fast in her life. She returned home at the fastest speed.

At this time, Su Liping had just prepared dinner and was about to start eating. When she saw her coming back, she smiled and gave her a meal.

Yan Zi endured all the anger and stinging, staring at Su Liping, uttering word by word from the gap between his teeth: "Mom, I ask you, was the man you derailed in the past the father of Ishizawa?"

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