His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 877: The Bewildered Truth (27)

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Su Liping's face turned white for a moment, then she sank and stared at Yan Zi: "How did you talk to your mother?"

Yan Zi stared at her desperately, feeling a confrontation.

Seeing that Su Liping didn't return to her for a while, she wanted to sit down and eat like an okay person.

Yan Zi made a hard note, sweeping all the bowls on the table to the ground, a few bangs, the bowls were all shattered to the ground, and debris and vegetables splashed around! !!

Su Liping screamed in fright, bounced directly from her chair, and yelled at Yan Zi: "What are you doing?"

"I ask you, was the person you derailed at the time not the father of Ishizawa ?!"

Yan Zi repeated it again, and then the last rice bowl left on the table hit the ground hard.

Debris from the bowl splattered, and there was a piece of hand that struck Su Liping, marking a hot blood mark on her skin.

Su Liping looked at herself like a lunatic, her daughter with a terrible look, and her heart was full of unbelievable. She trembled and said, "It's been so many years past, how can you keep asking and you can't let it go Is it? Even if I was sorry for your father, I returned to your father in the end ... "

"You're enough!" Yan Zi screamed and interrupted Su Liping.

Yan Zi stared at Su Liping with scary eyes like never before, scarlet eyes with deep hatred.

Back to Dad? At that time, it was Ishizawa ’s father who did not want her, so she had to go back. If she could not return, maybe she would not delay her life. Without her, maybe her father could meet another woman. Depressed all his life, accidentally died of unconsciousness.

Yan Zi cried twice, painfully: "You know why I hate the Lu family, you know I want to avenge the Lu family, but you actually took me into the Lu family, and you want me to help you marry the Chief Lu, you You also know that I know Shi Ze, and that Shi Ze hates the Lu family, but you pretend that you don't know anything ... "

Her voice, dripping with blood, her heartstrings broke, her heart was speechless.

I know everything she does, I know that she has nothing to do with the Lu family, but I leave it to her, hoping she can help her marry the Lu family.

Is this really a mom?

what! !! !! Yan Zi shouted sternly! "You are really the most failed mother in the world !!"

After all, she wouldn't say anything too terrible to her, because this life had her, Yan Zi turned around and ran out. If this person was not her mother, she really killed her! !! !!

The cold wind whizzed past my ears, tearing openly the skin.

It was cold and painful, but it was not as painful as her heart burst.

Everyone said that the road she had chosen had to go on her knees, but she chose not the road, but a twist of deception and revenge.

The father who loved her most died, the mother who gave birth to her was too selfish, and became the person she hated most, and the man she thought she could trust, did n’t know when she started in her heart from her fighting partner, The revenge pawn, the object of hatred.

"Bang!" There was a bang, and the unconscious Yanzi was caught by the car next to him.

She fell to the ground. She knew that she was not seriously injured, but she didn't want to get up.

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