His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 879: The Bewildered Truth (29)

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Su Qian pursed her lips and said softly: "I know what you want, as long as you don't fall out with Su's family, your company will be up quickly, but I don't want to help you, I don't want me and me Family, blend in your grievances with Lu family! "

"You can rest assured that you won't have it again, and I don't want you to answer me now, can you think about it?" His voice smelled a little pleading.

"Ishizawa ..."

"Don't think about it?" Ishizawa asked her.

Careful, afraid of her refusal.

Su Qiandi has never seen such a stone. He used to be elegant, but he was very proud. First, he found that he begged her so humblely.

She didn't know what happened to him, but somehow felt that Ishizawa was pathetic, as if she was his last straw, which made it impossible for him to refuse.

Su Qiandi sighed: "Okay, then we should get engaged or not to continue our previous relationship, I will consider and give you a reply."

Shi Ze laughed, then reached out and hugged Su Qianji.

Su Qianzheng was surprised that if she heard the right thing, when she let go, Shi Ze seemed to say thank you.

Watching Shi Ze's car leave, Su Qianyu sat in his car again and drove forward to the place where she agreed with time.

A supper shop specializing in crayfish.

"Why are you here so slowly? I'm starving." As soon as Shi Shi saw her coming, he quickly called the waiter to order.

"You can eat it when you are hungry." Su Qianzhen took off his hat and scarf, and the waiter next to her saw her true expression and screamed in surprise.

"How can that be, you treat, of course, you have to wait until you come to order." After the time ordered what he wanted, he pushed the menu in front of Su Qianyu.

Su Qiandi added two dishes and signed the service. The waiter left happily.

"Yes, it's really welcome." Time drinking tea, laughing and laughing.

Su Qiandi didn't answer her, but just asked, "I agreed to come out alone at night? What about your twenty-four filial piety husband?"

Time smiled: "Chu Mubei is in another box upstairs."

Su Qian suddenly realized: "I'll just say, I can't stand you."

She took a sip of tea and said, "Yes, what about the thing? Give it to me."

"What are you doing so urgently? It's in the bag." Said, Time sighed with a cough, "I'm in Lu Yanchen."

Su Qianxu twitched his lips, "You are enough, I will not say anything, except for Xiaobai today ..."

The waiter knocked on the room door to serve food, and the two stopped chatting. After the waiter went out, Su Qianyi said again, "In addition to Xiaobai's hair, I still want your hair."

"What do you want my hair to do?"

While talking, wearing gloves, she picked up an oily stuffy prawn, opened one foot and was ready to eat, and just put it in her mouth before she bite, she felt nausea and nausea.

She quickly put down the prawns on her hands, then took off the disposable gloves, covered her mouth and vomited.

Su Qian frowned. "What's wrong with you?"

Time said uncomfortably: "I can't help but want to spit saliva in recent time. It is caused by bad stomach. I just want to adjust the stomach and eat lighter. I think it's too light these days. See now You won't be able to bear it until the stuffy prawns are oily. "

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