His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 880: The Amazing Truth (30)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qianyi was suspicious.

The first time I heard that it was too light, I saw that the fish and meat were not drooling, but they were nauseous.

She had an idea in her heart, but she didn't say it to Time, because she had asked about Time before, and Time said that she and Lu Yanchen didn't have children, and she had been doing defense measures.

"Then I ate it." Su Qianji smiled, picked up a prawn and showed it in front of time.

Depressed time, she obviously likes to eat food, and her stomach is too hungry, seeing Chihiro eating drool almost flow out.

But why is it so terrible to think of eating?

Time did not believe in evil, and picked up another prawn, but as soon as he got closer, he felt uncomfortable again.

As soon as she turned around, before she got up, the retching sounded, and she hurried to the trash can next to her.

Now, Su Qianzheng can still eat there, quickly sit next to her, pat her hands gently, try to relax her: "Are you really upset?"

Time retched a few times and nothing came out, she waved her hand: "I'm fine."

Su Qiandi handed her a cup of warm water, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine." After drinking water, she took the sweet potato porridge on the table, and she took a spoonful and ate it in her mouth. There was really no response.

I tried several times in the next time and found that it would be uncomfortable to touch greasy prawns and crabs, but it would be okay to eat light ones.

Suddenly her stomach was so expensive? !! !!

Su Qianyi's eyes are getting deeper and deeper. Shiguang looks a little like her previous pregnancy ...

After drinking the porridge in time, he looked at Chihiro and asked, "You just said you want my hair. Why do you want my hair?"

The door was knocked, and Lu Yanchen walked in with the bag of time, and Shiguang looked at him with a smile: "Are you finished?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanchen sat down beside her and looked at the time strangely, but she did not eat shrimp.

It seemed to know what Lu Yanchen's eyes were asking, and Shiguang replied, "I haven't had a bad stomach recently, I'll raise it."

Su Qianyi heard the words and wanted to say whether it was pregnant or not, and then she asked her again, "Well, haven't you returned to me yet? Why do you want my hair?"

She straightened and then solemnly replied, "Examine our kinship."

"The two of us?" Time looked at her with eyes wide, eyes full of wonder, and smiled after a moment: "How come you suddenly thought of testing our kinship?"

Su Qianyi didn't want to make things big, and now everything is speculation. If she guessed wrong, hurt her and her brother's family, she smiled and said, "My uncle has a daughter and lost it when he was a child. When I saw you, I thought you looked like my mother. You know, there are so many things like granddaughters like grandma, so I want to check if you are my second uncle's daughter. "

Time shook hands: "Impossible, I am the biological daughter of my parents!"

Lu Yanchen's eyes flashed a faint light, his thin lips froze coldly, and he took a deep look at Su Qianyu.

She is lying.

But I have never heard of the second uncle Su's loss of his daughter.

However, he had a speculation before, maybe ... Lu Yanchen chuckled a lip and smiled. She looked at the time and said, "Okay, check it out. Maybe you will really pick it up in the trash bin as your mother said." . "


PS: Good night, it's more finished today, it's still eight, and at the end of the month, everyone can cast a monthly ticket. If you don't cast a monthly ticket, it will be wasted. Look at my eager eyes and vote for me. Ask for a monthly ticket

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