His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 881: The relationship between time and Su family (1)

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Time is full of black lines, and his lips are beaked: "How did you pick it out of the trash can?"

Lu Yanchen stretched her hands behind her chair and looked at her petulantly: "But you said, you are not like your father or your mother, so they all say you picked them up in the trash."

"That was joking, joking." Shi Guang emphasized and emphasized again. She looked at Chihiro and said, "You may be wrong. I am the biological daughter of my parents."

Of course, Chihiro knew that she was the biological daughter of her parents, but she couldn't say it too straightforward, so she smiled and said, "But there should be nothing?"

Lu Yanchen held the cup, and her cold and strong strength was revealed between her eyebrows: "If you can check it, give me your hair, I'll check it for you."

"Isn't it ... together?"

Su Qianyi thought, she would have to test her and Xiaobai anyway, so it would be better if they did n’t check together.

Lu Yanchen said: "The paternity test is simple. It is relatively easy to comply with Mendelian genetic law. The genetic test can be regarded as statistical and very complicated. There are many cases to consider. It is easy to cause problems if you are not careful. The niece has a pair of identical X **** chromosomes, that is, the aunt's mother and niece's grandmother. This is not feasible in practice. If it is not extremely professional, it is impossible to be accurate. "

Su Qianyi only knows that the identification of kinship between generations is difficult and complicated.

But it seemed that Lu Yanchen knew it well, and it seemed better to hand it to him.

"Let's do it, I'll give you my hair." Su Qianzheng was especially refreshing, took out a plastic bag directly from the bag, and pulled a few hairs in it and gave them to Lu Yanchen.

Time stared at them in astonishment.

His eyes slowly grew dark.

She looked at them and twitched her lips slightly: "Ah, wait, why haven't I agreed yet, and you're negotiating and discussing who's doing the genetic test?"

Su Qianji looked at her unhappy expression and asked, "You don't want to test?"

Time pouted and said seriously: "I can be pretty sure that I am the daughter of my parents, not the daughter of your second uncle, so I don't think there is any need to test any kind of genetic test between us."

"But ..." Su Qianyi also wanted to say, and Lu Yanchen said before, "Yes, if you don't, then you don't."

Su Qianyu spoke terribly, for a moment I didn't know what to say.

My conspiracy theory speculation, I feel strange, how can I tell time directly?

But what did she think Lu Yanchen thought of like her?

Anyway, the hair has already been given to Lu Yanchen. In the end, do you want to wait and see.


After bathing in time, drying his hair, lying on his big bed, silently looking at the ceiling, thinking about Su Qianyi's words in his mind.

There is always a question in my heart, why should we examine the relationship?

Why on earth do you want to test your relationship?

Su Ya ... this must be the key person in the reason. Did Chihiro know what, or what she found or suspected, and she had a relationship with Su Ya before thinking of testing their kinship?

When Lu Yanchen came out of the bathroom, he saw that he was lying in bed full of thoughts and gloomy times. He sat down beside him and looked at her casually and asked, "What do you want?"

Time shifted his eyes to him: "Thinking about Chihiro's kinship test?"

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