His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 882: The relationship between time and Su family (2)

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Lu Yanchen raised his eyebrows, and his thin lips moved slightly. "Don't you want to check?"

Time bites his lip.

After a while, she said, "That's because Chihiro lied. I don't believe you can't hear it. She didn't tell the truth. What did her uncle lose his daughter? I contacted at the engagement and looked at a very elegant man, and he wanted to lose his daughter. Why did n’t he say it by himself, Chihiro, and even more importantly, it should be a simple paternity test. Why is it so troublesome, and what kind of genetic test do you want? "

Lu Yanchen asked her, "Then what do you think it should be?"

Time thought and analyzed: "You told me before that it was Yan Zi and Shi Ze who took my sister away? Then since my sister's disappearance has nothing to do with Su Ya, why should Su Ya be so nervous about me and Qian Xun's contact, of course, this does not rule out that my sister is behind, and may have fallen into Su Ya's hands. But it has developed to the back ... Why shouldn't Chihiro come to me for a genetic test. "

She paused before saying, "So Chihiro is most likely to suspect that I and Su's boss, Su Ya's father, have anything to do with him. He metaphorically suspects that I am Su's boss. After all, that Su family The boss is always a jerk, often looking for a woman outside, but does not want to make things bigger, so as not to affect the feelings of her brother-in-law, so I will say what kind of affinities test with me, you said, in case I am really the boss of Su The children born to women outside, I really would rather not know, don't do well. "

Sigh, worry.

Time is speechless, if that is the truth.

She really would rather not know.

Lu Yanchen chuckled.

Shijiao glanced at him: "What are you laughing at?"

Lu Yanchen smiled and asked, "Is there any other reason besides this?"

Time thought and said, "Other reasons? It might be my father, the son of Father Su, because my father is gone, and my granddaughter and grandfather have no way to check the kinship test. Me and Chihiro? "

Talking, she narrowed her eyes slowly, "You wouldn't want to say, my father may be the son of Father Su?"

"Everything is possible?"

"Father Su is in such a good condition at home, why should I throw my father to the orphanage?" Time was puzzled, but when she saw Father Su, she liked it very much, just like her grandfather, although she didn't know what her grandfather was like. , But I feel very kind.

"Maybe it wasn't lost by Master Su, maybe he was abducted, or some other reason?" Lu Yanchen also thought it was impossible to think, but it was also the only reason that could explain why Su Ya and her parents care about time so much.

"Then you heard of Mr. Su, have you lost your son before?"

"My age is so old, how old is Mr. Su, who is the same as Mr. Su and who knows his family. There are not many people who are still alive. Most of them are still respected and no one will take the initiative to say this."

"Will you check it out?"

"I said it, whatever you say, you can do it if you say it. If you don't want to do it, then we won't do it." Lu Yanchen's long fingers supported the cheeks of time, and her head was printed on her lips. Light and soft.

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