His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 884: The relationship between time and Su family (4)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qianyu opened the door of the room, looked at him standing outside, and was looking up at her Xiaobai with his neck around him, and there was a large suitcase beside him.

The small expression was a little nervous and shy.

He embarrassedly lowered his head, and rubbed his horns with a small hand.

Su Qianyi looked around, except Xiao Bai, who didn't see anyone, and didn't have any vehicles.

She looked at him suspiciously: "Why are you here? Who brought you here."

"Dad sent me," Xiaobai muttered, his eyes were inexplicably red, but he didn't cry, he just looked at Su Qianji quietly, not to mention how much he loved him.

Su Qiandi felt that he could not be too close to this child.

But he is so cute, a beautiful child, most people have no ability to resist, and can always feel good.

After all, she is not an ordinary person, just in case she was photographed, she first brought the big suitcase and Xiaobai back home.

"Why did your dad send you here?" Su Qianyi asked inexplicably.

"I don't know!" Xiaobai said, his eyes flashed.

He lied, he knew why.

Grandma was not at home. Dad picked him up for class yesterday, but it was late, and the fat mother at the same table was late.

But later, the father and mother of the fat man came to pick up the fat man together. He saw that the three fat family members looked intimate and felt particularly uncomfortable. When he went home, he also asked his father to ask his mother, and then the father sent him here.

Su Qiandi was speechless, holding a mobile phone and dialing Lu Yanzhi's phone number, but Lu Yanzhi's phone number was unreachable.

She was so angry that she wanted to smash her phone. What did Lu Yan engage in? Why did she throw her son to her?

Suffering from his temper, Su Qianxuan called Shiguang again. When Shiguang heard Chihiro's words, he was shocked to be sprayed with water: "You said that your elder brother gave you Xiaobai?"

"Yes, please hurry up and bring me back." Su Qianyu walked to the balcony and yelled under his voice.

"But ... I'm not free. I've been very busy these two days. Well, my coach called me. It seemed like I was going to have an important meeting. I won't tell you first."

Time said, and immediately hung up the phone, looking like a hurry.

She wasn't stupid. The elder brother threw the person to Chihiro. She went to bring the person back. The elder brother must not blame her for death.

Lu Yanchen next to her looked surprised, and asked her, "What's wrong?"

Time is not in the provincial team at this moment, she is at home, she smiled and said, "Big brother has thrown Xiaobai to Chihiro, does that mother know?"

"My mother went to the army to accompany Chief Lu these two days."

"Oh, that's no one in the family." Time said, then smiled indifferently.

It seems that Chihiro is really a little white mother, but why doesn't Chihiro believe it?

Is it sure that Xiaobai is not her son? What misunderstanding is there?

However, even if Chihiro knew that Xiaobai was not her son, she would not abuse Xiaobai.


Su Qianxuan looked at his hung up phone, and frowned and frowned with headache. When the timeless guy was lying, he apparently didn't want to take Xiaobai back.

He glanced next to him, staring closely at his little white, Su Qianyi had a weird feeling in his heart.

This child is really precocious and sensible. His dad throws him to someone else's house. He can still be so calm. He will certainly be confused and helpless when he switches to another child.

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