His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 885: The relationship between time and Su family (5)

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Looking at herself in Chihiro, Xiaobai also looked at her, secretly in her heart, she was beautiful, but she was not gentle and did not laugh, coldly, no wonder she gave birth to him, and his father was not Willing to marry her.

Seeing that Dad is still impatient when she mentions it, she should still not like it.

Alas, women are better to be gentle so that they will not be abandoned.

If Su Qiandi knew what Xiao Bai was thinking, he would probably vomit blood.

"I don't know why your father left you here, but now I can't reach your father, and I don't know your grandma's phone number, can you tell me to call your grandma.

"Grandma is not at home. Where is grandpa?"

"When are you coming back?"

"Five days later."

This means that for five days, whether she wants to take this ghost or not?

Otherwise, she would just leave someone at Time's house, or with his two uncles and three uncles' house ... she would not believe that he had so many relatives and uncles, and no one would care about him.

"Then who do you want to go to?"

"your home."


"Because you are my idol, I like the movies you play."

Su Qianyu: "..."

She looked at Xiao Bai's serious face, and couldn't help crying and laughing.

I really want to lose my temper. I really hate that Lu Yanzhi throws people at her. Why is it thrown at her? She is not a shelter here, but she feels funny when she sees Xiaobai.

Especially when the face just said that she was his idol.

Such a small fan ...

Forget it, it seems that in the past five days, he is Nading her, okay, she will take five days, and after five days Shen Ling returns, she will send the person directly to Lu's house.

Turning his head, he saw Xiaobai put the small potato chips on the coffee table and the plate, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

Su Qian froze for a moment, then hurriedly walked, poke Xiaobai's mouth with his hand: "Hurry up, spit out, this potato chip has been here for two or three days."

"Ah ..." Xiaobai opened his mouth and spit out the potato chips.

Su Qiandi poured a glass of water for him, rinsed his mouth, and taught him, "Why do you eat whatever you want?"

"Everything on the coffee table can be eaten at home," Xiaobai said, touching his stomach pitifully. "And I'm hungry."

"Your dad didn't give you breakfast."

Xiaobai shook his head.

Su Qianyi once again scolded Lu Yanzhi in his heart, which is too unreliable! !! She looked at the time, "OK, I'll take you ..."

Thinking of taking Xiaobai out for a mess last time, she paused and changed her mouth again: "I'll cook breakfast for you."

Su Qianzhang entered the kitchen, and Xiao Bai also followed behind her, just like a tail, watching her boil water, and took out a bag of quick-frozen dumplings from the refrigerator.

After a short while, the dumplings were boiled and I saw Su Qianzhang bring out the dumplings, but happily ran to the side and stretched his arms on his toes to help Su Qianzhang get the bowl.

Su Qian took a moment, took the bowl and smiled, "You just wait for me at the table."

"Oh." Xiao Bai nodded his head smartly, and then ran to the dining room, pulling his chair open and sitting.

When Su Qianzhang came out holding the dumplings, he swallowed the mouthful of water. As soon as the dumplings were put in front of him, Xiaobai immediately ate them. Chihiro quickly said, "Hot, slow down."


Su Qianyi also gave himself a bowl, and then sat across from Xiaobai, looking at Xiaobai who was eating deliciously, and felt inexplicably warm.

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