His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 888: The relationship between time and Su family (8)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"I hate the Lu family so much that I want to take revenge on the Lu family by Yang Sitong. Su and Yang, who know that Yang Sitong, found Lin Yier, bullied you, beat you, insulted you, and wanted to drive you out of school, and I I've discussed with Shi Ze, and you used Yang Sitong to make mistakes, and you just happened to let Lu Yanchen see that the violence on campus should kill people, and such a thing would definitely be a big deal. "

Yan Zi looked at Rong Mo with an apology on his face.

"I didn't really want to do anything to Mo Fei Fei. In fact, every time I do something, I always stay on the back. I can try my hand without doing anything. I didn't want to do anything. I just I wanted to get revenge on Lu's family, and then my mother knew about it. She took me out of the country as quickly as possible. What happened to Mo Feifei later? I do n’t know what Yang Sitong and Su Ya asked for. ”

Rong Mo didn't know what he was feeling at the moment.

She had guessed Murphy, various stories, but never thought of school violence?

How did she become a vegetable?

Was it hit by them? still is……

"I originally passed and I passed, and I never thought about Mo Feifei until my dad ... his death hit me a lot. You do n’t know, he died, and my mother returned every day I can still smile heartlessly. I can still rejoice to marry someone and live a better life than now. At this time, I knew from Su Ya and Yang Sitong that it was because of her Accident, causing her parents to have a car accident, she suddenly could not afford to jump off the building and become a vegetative ... "

Inside Rong Mo's throat, a tear-like question was hidden.

She wanted to ask Yan Zi.

Could Mo Feifei's father have a car accident because of Mo Feifei?

why? Why did they all die because of a car accident? Are they dead?

Could it be that a vegetative person is actually jumping off the building! !!

Why is that?

The heart was uncomfortable, and a kind of pain swept her like a tsunami, as if to push her to the extreme, to make her uncontrollable, and to explode deep in her body.

"... and her sister married Lu's family and became Lu Yanchen's wife, so I and Shi Ze thought of a plan of revenge and involved Mo Feifei again. I know Mo Feifei is innocent, but I hate it, I really So hate !!! "

Do you hate that you can fight against others? Involve irrelevant people? !! !!

Rong Mo can't bear it!

Keep your hands on the outside of your thighs to keep you awake and patient.

"Mo Feifei was in a coma for seven years. She should have woken up after the operation. I have my own thoughts, so I think Mo Feifei wakes up, but Yang Sitong and Su Ya don't seem to want her to wake up. Yang Sitong bullied Mo Feifei, yes In order to conceal her saving Lu Yanchen instead of time, as for Su Ya ... I do n’t know her purpose yet, I ca n’t tell you, but maybe her purpose is the most terrible, and I want to use Murphy's Framed Lu Yanchen, so we bought a doctor, injected Mo Feifei with memory deterioration drugs in advance, and removed Mo Feifei from the doctor, but a car accident happened halfway and Mo Feifei disappeared. I do n’t know where she went ... "

Yan Zi looked at her eyes coldly and coldly, and her face was rang.

She closed her eyes.

Sure enough, she was Mo Feifei, maybe she had amnesia, but she knew she was Mo Feifei.


PS: Eight more, good night.

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