His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 889: The relationship between time and Su family (9)

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Rong Mo's face was pale, his fists were pinched and his palms were pinched to suppress the pain in his heart.

She didn't know Yan Zi, why she told her this.

Now, she needs to calm down, and she needs to know what Yan Zi did.

Then, even if she was silent, she kept quietly, but her emotional performance could not be as calm as before.

Yan Zi looked at her doubtful gaze and couldn't help chuckling twice.

She said lightly: "I don't want to say sorry to Mo Feifei, because doing it is doing it, apology is useless, and I also get retribution. My life is like a joke that can't make it. My dearest ones, the ones I love the most, leave me only ... "

Her nose was astringent, and she couldn't help tears.

Rong Mo didn't get her a tissue again this time, but she slowly stood up and left without saying a word.

Yan Zi's voice came back behind him, with a crying voice: "At the beginning of the year, I really thought it was just a simple campus violence. How could I never have thought that it would develop like that in the back, which would be indirect Killed Murphy ’s parents, at least I did n’t really think about it ... ”

Yan Zi's cries sounded behind him, Rong Mo stopped and then continued to go out.

She walked out step by step and turned to the next toilet.

Keeping herself in the grid, the tingling in her heart couldn't bear it anymore, she crouched down, and the unbearable pain caused her eyes to tremble with sourness, and the tears instantly appeared.

Is Yan Zi saying true?

Can she believe it?

Because of school violence, because of her, her parents died unexpectedly. If all that Yan Zi said was true, it was that she killed her parents and caused her sister to be lonely and helpless. ...

How old was she at that time, and how has she survived these years?

After all, she woke up but was taken away again? !!

But can Yan Zi believe it? Someone who has hurt her before, can she trust what she says?

Will it be just a temptation, or will it be another inning.

Otherwise, why is Yan Zi suddenly so kind and willing to tell her everything and wake up? Or have other thoughts?

Nobody knows.

But even thinking about it, Mo Feifei was still uncomfortable, her heart was choking, and the hot moisture held her breath, and she was completely out of breath.

After touching my face, I realized that I don't know when the tears have flooded ...

Rong Mo managed to calm down his emotions. When he returned to Shang Zhai, his mood was still very low. When he saw Shang Mo's return, he said hello and went to the kitchen.

In fact, she wanted to return to the room directly, but Shang Mo left so long.

She didn't want to, and she should have made dinner.

Shang Mo went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. Looking at Rong Mo, who was washing and cutting vegetables, the whole person seemed to be out of state, as if wandering.

what happened?

He left so long, he screamed when he came back, and then showed nothing?

How does this look like a long-term loved one?

Shang Mo sat air-conditioned on the sofa, looked at Dashan, and frowned. "What was he doing this time?"

When asked, Rong Mo.

Dashan replied: "Rong Shao spent most of his time at home, apart from filming and training as an agent. He attended Chihiro's engagement. By the way, the car accidentally caught a woman a few days ago. Rong Shao I go to the hospital every day to see that woman, and I have been with that woman for a long time today. "

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