His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 891: The relationship between time and Su family (11)

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Su Qianxuan looked at Xiao Bai who was eating dumplings across her head and flashed her own child's head.

She used to have such a cute child, and if she is still, she should be so big now.

Over the years, she sometimes dreams, dreaming that the cute child is holding her hand, and hopping on the road ... Even if there is no one else, only she and that child, she can feel extremely happy.

Unfortunately, dreams are finally just dreams.

She was jealous of Li Anyuan, and she could have such a cute child.

I really don't know what Lu Yanzhi is doing? Why did you throw Li Anyuan's child to her and call her mother? Do you really think that the past is not enough to make her feel bad?

Or she couldn't get used to her life now, just like a okay person, so deliberately asked Li Anyuan's son to show her presence in front of her and make her life miserable?

Xiaobai had eaten a bowl of dumplings, and he felt extra satisfied, and smiled sweetly at Su Qianyu.

For Xiaobai just now, it may have some empathy. However, when thinking of Li Anyuan, Su Qianyi couldn't laugh.

Thinking of Xiao Bai as Li Anyuan's child, she started to have headaches again.

She really didn't know how to get along with Xiaobai next.

Xiaobai is a gifted child. Since his childhood, IQ has been higher than ordinary children, and children with high IQ are slightly more sensitive than other children.

He could feel Su Qianji, not knowing what he thought of, and suddenly he didn't like himself again.

And still thinking about how to send him away.

He felt that it must have something to do with his father. Adults love to die alive. The Korean drama that grandma watched is tortured every day, annoying.

Xiao Bai slipped from the chair, smiled elegantly, and then a gentleman politely poked: "Thank you for the dumplings, I'm full, then I'll go back."

Then he stumbled to his large trunk, with his little hand on the pole, and then dragged out with force.

This is a scene that Su Qianji never thought of.

She looked at the back of Xiaobai, and the big suitcase that he couldn't drag at all, and walked over to stand next to him: "Have you gone back? Alone? What if you lose it?"

"I'm very clever and I won't lose it." Xiao Bai Junmei's lovely face hung an innocent smile, and her eyes were clear and touching.

But everyone who knows him knows that this kid is calculating.

He honestly said, "I know you're not in a position to host me. After all, you have a boyfriend. If I affect your relationship with your boyfriend, it will be bad."

"No ..." Su Qianji explained.

"Nothing? Don't you have a boyfriend? But aren't you about to get engaged?" Xiaobai continued to ask, the tender voice was pure.

The seemingly indifferent issues, in fact, these issues are extremely important to him.

He didn't want his mother to have a boyfriend and marry someone else.

"The one who was engaged was not my boyfriend, and it is probably not ordered now," Su Qiandi didn't know himself, why he explained so much to a child.

"Oh." Xiao Bai said lightly.

"Then I'm gone?" Then he pulled out his milk and pulled out his large luggage.

After finally walking to the door, he found that Su Qianji didn't stop him. Could it be that his mother really wanted him to leave alone, he murmured, and slowly looked back at Su Qianji, his eyes narrowed.

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