His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 892: The relationship between time and Su family (12)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qiandi didn't know why, she thought that he was Li Anyuan's son. She should not like him because he hated him, but when he saw his delicate face and cute expression, he couldn't help turning his heart into water. Incredible.

When he saw tears in his eyes, he suddenly felt as if he had done something unforgivable.

She slowly walked over: "You stay at your aunt's house for a few days and wait for your grandma to come home. I'll send you back."


Xiaobai gave a faint reply.

He looked at the back of Su Qianzhang dragging his suitcase, and a sly smile passed by his lips.

In the end, Su Qiandi decided to keep Xiaobai for a few days, but did not want to contact him too much. He wanted to feed him three meals, and he was not hungry.

She dragged Xiaobai's luggage into the guest room, ready to pack him.

When I saw the contents of the suitcase, the whole person was aggressive.

Such a big box didn't even get Xiaobai's clothes changed, all of them were toys. Does Lu Yanzhi have any common sense in life as an idiot? !! !!

Su Qiandi looked at Xiaobai silently, and then asked gently, "Your father packed it for you."

Xiaobai smiled and nodded.

"Where do you change your clothes?"

"No way, all children without mothers are like this." Xiaobai said in particular, helpless, really not like a five-year-old child.

Su Qianyu: "..."

After a moment, she stroked her forehead silently. "Forget it, I'll take you out and buy it later."

With the last experience, Su Qianyi went fully armed this time, the package was absolutely unrecognizable, and he took Xiaobai to the children's city.

Xiaobai is very happy.

And open the sister-in-law mode all the time, have been boasting Su Qian.

Before getting out of the car, Su Qianyi subconsciously looked into the mirror, and Xiaobai said, "You are also very beautiful, and I will follow your standard when I find my wife."

Su Qian chuckled for a moment, then fluttered and laughed.

She touched Xiaobai's head: "You are so young, you want to find a wife?"

Xiaobai frowned, thinking in a thoughtful manner: "No way, children without mothers, they have to think more about themselves."

Su Qianyi thought that if I was really your mother, I would be more worried when I heard this, but unfortunately I am not your mother.

When buying clothes, there were parent-child clothes, and the waiter recommended them. Xiaobai immediately said to Chihiro, "You must be the most beautiful mother in the world."

After passing the ice cream store, Xiaobai wanted to eat ice cream and started to look like a girl again, "I think you are more cute than strawberry ice cream."

Seeing Su Qianxie laugh, Xiaobai said again: "Can I eat an ice cream?"

Chihiro smiled like a flower. The little guy's mouth was so sweet. He immediately walked in with his little hand and asked him, "What do you want, strawberry or chocolate?"

"Chocolate mine, strawberry yours."

"it is good."

When she got the ice cream, Xiao Bai's beautiful and lovely eyes narrowed into a seam. When Su Qianji bent down, he kissed her sweetly on her face immediately.

Su Qianzhen's body was stiff and looked uncomfortable, but her heart was so soft that she really only wanted to let him go for a few days.

Anyway, not hungry, it doesn't matter if you don't freeze.

But she didn't expect that this child not only looks good, but also his personality is so pleasing. She's finished, and she suddenly wants to run away Lu Yan's son ...

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