His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 903: The relationship between time and Su family (23)

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At that time, when it was said that she was doing a genetic identification, time was psychologically prepared, and she thought about her and Chihiro or really have a relationship.

But when she knew the answer, she was aggressive and had no way to accept it, feeling that everything was so unreal in a dream.

During this time, my aunt brought my grandmother to the provincial city for a routine check-up. She would only live after her wedding, and she would take a taxi directly.

When I saw the time, my aunt and grandma were very happy. The original food at home was enough, but the aunt still had to go to the supermarket and buy some vegetables to come back.

The grandmother could feel the emotions of the time indifferent and asked her if she had a fight with Lu Yanchen.

A big smile bloomed on Shiguang's face, hugging his grandmother and saying, "No, we're fine, you can rest assured."

"It's good to have no quarrel, but it doesn't matter if the quarrel doesn't matter. The couple did not quarrel, but the quarrel went back to the quarrel, and it was too emotional to not speak."

When I heard that my grandmother was going to take education class again, time felt that the temples were jumping suddenly, she focused on: "Grandma, you can rest assured, I have nothing to do with Lu Yanchen today, except to see you, I want to ask you , Dad's past. "

"Your dad?" Grandma was a little surprised.

"Yes, Dad, I only know that Dad was left in an orphanage since he was a child, and the rest don't know."

"Dad grew up in an orphanage. This child is filial and sensible. He and your grandfather are just like their biological parents. When your grandfather was still alive, he often said that your dad was our son ..."

My grandmother said a lot, and I kept listening to her grandmother's arms quietly, and suddenly I didn't care much about my relationship with Su family.

Even with her, her closest relatives are her sister and grandmother.

The so-called relatives of the Su family, if she recognizes the Su family, it may be that Chihiro and the grandfather Su really accept it. The Uncle Su's family doesn't know what the situation is, but the Su Ya family is definitely not happy.

Maybe she also felt that she was deliberately trying to get something from Su's house.

In short, Su's family is too complicated. It's still her family. She has a grandma that hurts her. The aunt and uncle have already left for her, and her cousin and cousin are especially close to her.

She is living a good life now, why should she go to Sushui.

That's not the life I want. It's so good now, there is no thrilling, some are just a long stream of water and a stable life.

Grandma was talking and realizing that something was wrong in time, she frowned and asked, "Did you find your father's relative?"

Time faintly said: "It seems to have been found, but it has not been determined what the relationship between father and her is."

Grandma was shocked, her eyes were tender and loving, she couldn't believe the time, and then she became worried: "Who is that family? Why did you suddenly find your father? Your father has died so long?"

"I don't understand, we have a relationship." Shipat patted Grandma's hand, and slightly raised the corner of her mouth: "Don't worry, Grandma, I don't intend to recognize them."

Grandma caressed her hand gently: "How can this blood relationship be broken if it is broken? If it is your father's family, it should be your grandparents or uncle ..."

Suddenly thought of something, Grandma turned the topic: "Yes, when your sister was born, your father wore a silver lock to your sister, saying that it was the only thing he had when he was thrown into an orphanage, the silver lock It's a long-life lock again. Your sister wasn't very healthy at birth. Your dad put her on in order to eliminate disasters and avoid evil, and to always stay safe. "

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