His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 904: The relationship between time and Su family (24)

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Silver lock? Time was indeed the object of my sister, but she couldn't remember where it was placed. She stood up and said, "I'll go back and find it."

Seeing her ups and downs, Grandma held her hand helplessly: "What are you in a hurry? Things won't go away. After eating, go back to find it."

"Okay," Shiji sat back again, hugged her grandmother and smiled. "It's been a long time since I paid for my aunt's dishes. I want to eat two more bowls of rice today."

When the aunt returned from shopping, when he heard the words of time, he smiled and said, "Eating three bowls is no problem."

Time is in my aunt's heart, just like her daughter.

My uncle wasn't here either. My cousin didn't come back to eat at noon, just three people, but my aunt made a table full of dishes.

Time picks up the chopsticks and prepares the aunt's specialty. Of course, it is also the time's favorite shrimp.

However, when it was caught in its own bowl and was about to eat, a sudden nausea occurred, and he quickly got up and ran to the toilet to vomit.

She was shocked by her grandmother and auntie. When she spit it out, the auntie quickly gave her water to gargle: "What's wrong?"

"I don't have a good stomach. I'll eat something lighter." Shi Guang took the soup bowl and filled it with some soup.

"Okay, how can you feel upset? Have you seen the doctor?" Grandma and the aunt looked at her with concern.

"Don't need to see a doctor. I've had it before, I'm full of acid, and I'm a bit nauseous. Just take a few days of light nutrition." It was true before, just two days, but this time for several days She was wondering if she would go to see the doctor for some medicine.

The aunt was helping the grandmother with vegetables, and watching the time, she said, "Are you sure you have a bad stomach? Is it possible?"

While she was drinking soup, she was almost choked by soup. She didn't think so much at all.

She wouldn't even think she might be pregnant, because she and Lu Yanchen both took measures.

She coughed twice: "How could it be, don't think of vomiting, think of pregnancy."

Seeing such excitement, grandma reluctantly said, "What do you say you are pregnant? You are all married, and pregnancy is not normal?"

The aunt agreed and asked her, "when was your last moon event?"

"I haven't been sure about it for a while," she said. The pressure conference evoked the monthly events. This is really true. Since the elder sister disappeared, her monthly events have not been approved. On one occasion, she did not come for two months.

She solemnly said: "We are still young and this matter is not urgent."

My grandmother said, "I'm all old. If you want to see your great grandson sooner, you have to hurry."

"Grandma, you will live a hundred years."

"That would be the old goblin that everyone hates."

The aunt said, "Time, this early childbirth, you can recover your body earlier. Now there are many athletes who are pregnant and have not affected the performance. As long as you exercise well and recover well, your performance has nothing to do with having a child."

Time pouts, not knowing what to say.

"If you are pregnant now, be sure to give birth to the child."

"I'm not pregnant !!"

Although Shi Guang said so, she felt a little uneasy. Before going home, she went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test stick.

When it comes to testing, time is a bit scared.

She just hoped that God would not make a joke with her, and don't plant a baby in her belly at this time.

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