His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 916: I just forgot about you (6)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"You are really interesting ?!" You are so exciting, right? !! !! Lu Yanzhi was suddenly angry, and stood up suddenly, kicking the chair next to him and striding towards Su Qianyu.

Su Qianxuan looked at him alertly, feeling the danger coming ... she wanted to escape subconsciously.

"It's all over, and I should go!" She stood up pretending to be calm, but was pressed by Lu Yan, who came quickly, and pressed it on the sofa.

Su Qianyi's head flickered, staring directly at the landing and questioning, "What do you want to do?"

She subconsciously raised her hand and fanned it. Lu Yanzhi grasped her wrist agilely, and then pressed her head.

"Want to hit me? Huh?"

Lu Yan's eyes narrowed: "The guts are fat, Su Qianyu ... dare to start with me!"

His hand was slightly hard, so that Su Qianji couldn't break it. He could only stare at the red eyes, and shouted, "You let me go!"

She tilted her eyes to the logistics side, hoping that an aunt would come out. In this way, Lu Yanzhi would definitely let go of her, after all, he is a man with a head and a face.

But her hopes couldn't be missed anymore, don't say a single person, there is no movement at all.

"Help--" she shouted, trying to get someone out.

But her lips were blocked by Lu Yan, and fierce kisses like violent storms swept wildly, aggressively, as if to swallow her, frantically eating her soft lips.

Lu Yan's atmosphere was messy.

He was too wild, pried openly her shell teeth, plundered every inch of fragrance in her lips, pressed her hard, and kissed her deeply, meanwhile, her big hand penetrated into her clothes. Here, rubbing indulgently ...

Su Qianyi's reason was disturbed.

She could feel Lu Yan's anger, but she didn't need to go and appease him. She just wanted to break away from him, but she couldn't move at all, and slowly melted under his brutal offensive.

Until he suddenly backed away, gasping heavily, and Su Qianji who was choking again, and then regained his breath, woke up like a dream and opened his eyes suddenly.

She tried to push him away, but the man who was weak and pressed against her was like a fire.

Su Qianxuan turned his head hard, breathing in a big breath while angrily: "Lu Yanzhi, get up!"

Staring blankly at her, there was some enchanting mist in her arrogant expression, which was Lu Yan's unique and unpredictable feeling.

With such a posture and being watched so hard, Su Qianyi was completely confused.

Her thoughts were chaotic, and then she was anxious. She couldn't help but want to struggle. The friction and collision in her body was fierce. Lu Yanzhi's desire in her body was singing the triumphant song. Now I just feel that my body is about to explode .

He swallowed his throat, held her hand, pressed it to his head, and was so angry, but his voice was hoarse: "You be quiet!"

Su Qiangong gritted his teeth, and his chest seemed to be clogged with cotton wool, which was uncomfortable.

She took a few deep breaths, calming her emotions a little, and said, "You don't look at how heavy you are, you won't get up again, I'm going to die!"

Hearing that, Lu Yan insisted not only did not get up, but also pushed down hard.

He pursed his lips and said stubbornly, "Six years ago, you took the initiative to send me underneath and let me crush. I have crushed you for so long without seeing you crushed ?!"

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