His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 917: I just forgot about you (7)

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Su Qiandi heard that a red cloud exploded instantly on his cheeks, which was so red that he could bleed. He didn't know if it was angry or ashamed, or because the gas was flowing up!

"You ..." It's shameless, cruel ... Regardless of face, I can't fight with you! She stared at the words, almost spit fire, and was about to vomit to death, but she only dared to scold in her heart. At this time, she couldn't come hard.

The harder it gets, the more powerful Lu Yanzhi becomes.

Sure enough, when she saw that she didn't move, and still looked down at him, Lu Yanzhi got up and sat down on the sofa next to her.

Su Qianzhang sat upright, covering her eyes and succeeding, and arranged her clothes.

But Lu Yan was caught by him, and his long legs stretched out, deliberately skimming Su Qian's legs.

Su Qianxuan's legs were pulled and coupled with a lot of alcohol she had been drinking, her body's center of gravity was unstable, and she leaned to the side, just falling to the side of Lu Yan's body, "Ah!"

She was stunned with a touch of anger, and immediately looked at Lu Yanchi, as if scolding him for being naive.

"Putting your arms in your arms?" Under Lu Yanzhi's seemingly calm eyes, there was hidden evil, and on a handsome face with a strong, sculpted, deep outline, there was a sloppy smile.

Su Qianyu was super speechless: "..."

Forget it, she can't afford it, can't she hide it?

She stood up, hoping to land and said solemnly: "I hoped that things had passed in the past and passed. In the future, we will return to the bridge and return to the road. I only hope that your old people will raise your expensive hands and stop playing with me!"

Su Qianzhen picked up his coat and bag and turned.

Just after taking a step, he was stopped by Lu Yanzhi.

"Stop!" She wanted to drive back when she was drunk. Was this woman trying to die?

"What do you want?" Su Qianyi turned helplessly.

"Old man ?!" Lu Yanzhi's face sank, his voice cold, like a thousand years of ice.

"If I remember correctly, are you thirty-three this year, or thirty-four after the new year?" Su Qianyi sneered, ironically, "Actually, he is still very young, not an old man. , But for a little girl like us in her twenties, she should be regarded as a person of two eras, and there is really a deep generation gap between each other! "

Suddenly wanting to leave with a drunk wine, his wrist was suddenly dragged by him, Su Qianzhen's eyes widened, his face horrified: "What are you doing? Let me go."

Lu Yanzhi did not let go, smiled indifferently, forcibly dragged her hand, and went straight upstairs, making Su Qianzhang startled.

"Let me go, bastard!"

"Where the **** are you taking me?"

"What the **** are you doing? Lu Yanzhi, believe it or not, I yell, your family's face will be lost by that time."

All the way upstairs, Su Qiandi tried to break free of Lu Yanzhi's hand, and the vacated hand was desperately beating the landing Yanji's arm, but the force that fell on Lu Yanzhi's body was particularly insignificant. .

Lu Yanzhi kept dragging her into the room, threw the door, and then let go of her hand.

Su Qianji rubbed her red and swollen wrists and looked around as if it were a guest room. She frowned: "What are you bringing me here for?"

"Old man, right ?!" The dim light in the room, set against the deep, bottomless eyes of Mo Yu, looked particularly dangerous.

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