His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 926: I just forgot about you (16)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qianyu hesitated, not wanting to lie to the child, but how could she cook for her at night.

Xiaobai looked at her in confusion: "Won't my mother do it?"

This step is too powerful, Su Qianji quickly said with a smile: "I'm sure not."

Xiaobai was a little regretful, and then said again: "Then you will learn with grandma later, will you eat for me later?"

The smile of Su Qianji's mouth froze.

brat? Whether he intentionally or unintentionally, he really gave the steps or a cover, and he should not be too dark at a young age.

In any case, the Lu family must not stay much.

She looked at the time with her mobile phone. At this point, she knew what Lu Yanzhi had done before. He should have gone out for the morning run or had left the army.

Can't delay, she has to leave quickly.

Su Qianyu walked away Xiaobai, then wanted to leave quietly.

Don't eat breakfast and don't alarm anyone.

But when she knew that she was about to go out, Shen Lingshuang pushed the door in and mysteriously drew it to her ears and said, "Chihiro, you just woke up, just right, come and help me ..."

Su Qianyu: "..."

Waking up a little late, she went downstairs and found no one, and there was breakfast on the table, she shouted a few words.

No one answered her.

She was hungry and sat down at the table.

I didn't see anyone after using breakfast.

When she was about to make a phone call to Shen Lingshuang, suddenly a bunch of petal rain fell down her head.

Time looked up subconsciously, and I saw bright red rose petals flying in the sky and slowly landing. There was also a small remote-controlled helicopter spinning in the air. A brocade box was stably placed on the remote-controlled aircraft.

Almost at the same time, the house wasted with wasteful music, and the large-screen computer next to it was turned on. With beautiful light music, pictures of her childhood appeared on it.

As time goes by, looking at it is slightly blurred.

The photo slowly rotates and floats, and various special effects are flipping through. It is her larger photo, and then she continued to high school, and then Lu Yanchen was in her photo.

There were two people standing together, she leaned on his shoulder and grinned silly.

Have affectionate eyesight.

There are also their backs.

The petal rain was slowly falling, and the photos continued to be turned one by one until they were now, and then fixed on their latest photo.

Their wedding photos.

She held her face with her face and looked at the front, and he looked at her beside him, with a handsome and arrogant profile, a cold and inviolable gesture, but the eyes that fell on her face were soft and watery.

Suddenly, the mood of time was agitated, and his eyes were reddish, but he didn't know how to react for a moment.

Until she looked at Lu Yanchen in a suit and leather shoes, holding a large bouquet of roses, walked in handsomely from outside.

Time frowned slightly, looking at the step by step incomprehensible, walking towards his man elegantly and calmly.

What is he doing?

When Lu Yanchen stopped and stood half a step away from her, time widened his eyes and asked with his eyes what he wanted to do?

Petal rain continued.

The helicopter hovering in the air slowly landed and stayed beside Lu Yanchen.

Lu Yanchen reached out and took the helicopter. The chic bright red gift box was taken down, and then slowly opened, showing it in front of time.

It's a cup of diamond ring. The diamond pattern is a bit special.

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