His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 927: I just forgot about you (17)

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There are also two English letters next to the double heart ring, C and G. His name ends with C and her name ends with G.

It was almost exactly the same as the glass of marriage that she had asked for before, except for one letter in their crystal and one on the ring.

The ring is the same size as a pigeon egg, and under the light, it reflects a dazzling light.

He lowered his knees and delivered the bunch of roses. He held the ring with his other hand and leaned forward with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He looked up at her eyes, dark as ink and affectionate: "Thank you for making me meet The best time, you laughed so well on the basketball court, the bright sunshine, too warm as fire, confused my eyes, and I ca n’t sleep at night since then, as soon as I close my eyes, it is you The beautiful smile is what you said to me. Lu Yanchen I like you. I told myself that I must not disappoint you, and I must make you the happiest person in the world ... "

There is fog in the eyes of time.

He proposed, but Lu Yanchen was actually proposing?

Proposing marriage is as important to a woman as it is to marry. It is also the most precious memory of a woman's life.

She had imagined many years ago that Lu Yanchen proposed to herself. She didn't want luxury and romance, but she must be warm and touching.

But after they reunited, they hadn't lifted the knot, so they married in advance.

Although there is no wedding, it is obviously unnecessary to propose a marriage.

After they were reconciled, she mentioned it many times, intentionally or unintentionally.

Today, a woman in a TV show asked a man to marry him, and asked a lot of media to come over. As a result, the marriage was not ashamed.

Tomorrow I said, passing by a certain square and seeing a lot of balloons in the sky, there is a banner hanging below that says XXX, I love you, please marry me!

Two days later it was said that today the coach of the provincial team proposed to marry him and put out a big heart-shaped candle.

Anyway, during that time, she hinted almost every day.

But after hearing her explanation, he did not react.

Is still a high degree of indifference, not salty and indifferent to the tongue.

When it comes to the man in the TV series, the girl went to propose before the girl caught up with him, and the fool hat deserves to be laughed at!

The man on the square said that putting so many balloons would obstruct the passerby's vision of driving, which would easily cause a traffic accident and cause casualties!

The coach who puts up so many candles is simply polluting the air and causing harm to human health!

what the hell! She almost died of anger at the time, and her purpose of telling these was to propose to him.

I really don't know if he really doesn't understand, or pretending to be stupid, just don't want to make up a proposal to her.

Now, suddenly, such a grand and romantic proposal, and said so many touching words, was thinking that she would forgive him and no longer care about him.

Ha ha, how beautiful he thinks, thinking she'd forgive him for a marriage?

Time wanted to say nothing, left a cold face, and turned away chicly.

But suddenly many people came downstairs. In addition to the eldest brother Chihiro at home, the aunt and grandmother cousin came, the uncle's brothers and sisters came, and Chief Lu also returned ...

Uh uh, so many people? So grand?

Can she not give Lu Yanchen face?


PS: Would you like to agree to a proposal? ^ _ ^ Today is still nine more, good night, sell adorable for monthly tickets ~ ~

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