His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 929: I just forgot about you (19)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"Time, take a good rest. I'll ask your aunt to cook chicken soup for you."

"That is, this child is so thin that he has to make up for it, Yanchen, you should also take it easy."

"It is necessary to eat more. If you are pregnant, you have to eat two to make up. You must eat more."

"Good things come in pairs, we must make the wedding more beautiful, and we must not be wronged."


Su Qianxuan looked at the family and coaxed time as a baby, only feeling that he was in trouble.

She was uncomfortable and inexplicably jealous of time.

After all, she also conceived Lu Yanzhi's child. At that time, no one was so precious to her. No one seemed to know, so let alone talk about him.

She wants to leave the Lu Family Courtyard.

I thought I could leave without a word.

It turned out that Shen Lingshuang didn't ignore her all the time. She seemed to know that she was uncomfortable and didn't force her to stay. But she pulled her words out and stood in front of Chihiro. Many, but you can't neglect guests, you have to send people home safely. "

The relationship has not been determined yet, Shen Lingshuang knows himself, and at this time he toughly introduces.

In case Chihiro is upset, he pushes things to the wrong.

Su Qianyi wanted to say no, but Shen Lingshuang had already left. She looked at Lu Yanzhi, and looked impatient, and turned around and wanted to leave.

Wanting to sit in the driver's seat, let alone Lu Yan's departure, but Lu Yan's first step to the driver's seat.

Su Qianyu stood at the door of the driver's seat, and alighted after landing: "Thank you, but you don't need to send it."

Lu Yanzhi didn't get out of the car, but just fluttered softly: "If you think we are not conspicuous enough and want to call out everyone in the house, then you'll make a noise!"

Su Qianzhang frowned, her thin lips froze coldly.

She and Lu Yanzhi confronted each other for a while, for fear of consuming herself and Lu Yanzhi will become the focus. After thinking about it, she took the co-pilot.

Sitting in the car and seeing Shen Lingshuang starting to drop off passengers, Su Qianxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said he was fortunate that he did not continue to grind.

Time is a treasure now, she just sighed, everyone let Lu Yanchen send time upstairs to rest.

She is very generous ...

Back in the bedroom, time freely suppressed his emotions: "Lu Yanchen, you really do everything you can."

"It's about to be dumped, and there's no need for snacks." Lu Yanchen grabbed her waist.

"Who has dumped you? A man like you who has a good-looking face, a strong background, a rich country, and a high IQ, who dares to dump you!" Shiji said, hammering his chest.

"Little ..." Lu Yanchen just called her, her voice was really soft, and she seemed to be able to drip water softly.

This lingering sound only appeared on the bed before, not under the bed.

Now it ’s so called, it ’s a beautiful man who eats fruit, and time feels that his bones are going to be crisp.

She glared at him, only feeling that the anger in her heart had not gone away, but she had more storage.

Seeing her biting her lip and putting her hands on her belly, Lu Yanchen asked, "What's wrong, is your stomach uncomfortable?"

"You're uncomfortable!" Shi Leng snorted. "Man is really not a good thing ..."

Then stood up and went out,

Seeing Lu Yanchen want to keep up, he immediately turned to him and said, "Stop, don't follow me."

Lu Yanchen stopped and looked at her back and touched her nose.

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