His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 930: I just forgot about you (20)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Along the way, Lu Yanzhi and Su Qianyu were very silent, and no one wanted to take the initiative to speak.

When approaching her neighborhood, Su Qiandi suddenly remembered a very important thing, that is, Father Su said a few days ago that he wanted to see Xiaobai.

She and Xiaobai are really not mother and son, so they deliberately chose to ask the father to come home the next day after Xiaobai was sent away.

The next day he sent Xiaobai away, wasn't it today?

Thinking about it that way, Su Qianxuan, who was sitting lazily on a chair, immediately straightened her body. She turned to look at Lu Yanzhi and said, "You turn right in front, and then stop, I have something to do!"

Lu Yanzhi, who drove steadily, turned her around and glanced at her, with a hint of doubt in the cold black eyes, and then continued to drive forward.

It was not the direction designated by Su Qianyu, but her way to the community.

Su Qianji frowned and looked at him: "You park, I won't go home now."


"What address?"

"You don't want to go home, where do you want to go?"

"You ..." Su Qiandi didn't expect the place at once, who made her not an ordinary person, or else she found a place casually, but she didn't dare to report the place casually.

For a moment she hesitated, the car had driven into her neighborhood.

From a distance, she saw her doorstep and parked a black car. The license plate number is very familiar, that is, her father's car, it seems that she has arrived at her house.

"It's already in my neighborhood. You park."

Lu Yanzhi still did not stop, and continued to drive forward.

"I'm doing this for you. If you don't stop, you will have to go out and take a taxi later. There is no taxi in the community." When Su Qianyu spoke, Lu Yanzhi had parked the car at the door.

Father Su's driver, Uncle Wang, has been outside.

Seeing Su Qianyi's car coming back, he immediately opened the door with a smile, but saw the driver's seat. He was a man in a military uniform, with good facial features, exquisite face, and cold and majestic temperament.

At the moment when his eyes were opposite, he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and then his eyes brightened. This was not the boss of the Lu family.

Could it be that Ms. Cheng called the master today to want him to see his son-in-law.

"Old ... Master ?!" Uncle Wang entered the room immediately and reported to Master Su in the room.

Su Qianyu: "..."

She beckoned to stop Uncle Wang, but it was too late ... if she kicked Lu Yan away at this time and was known by her father, she would surely blame her for all the mistakes, but if Lu Yan insisted It will be different.

Su Qianyi looked at Lu Yanzhi, although he didn't say anything, but his disgusted eyes showed that he should go quickly.

As a result, Lu Yanzhi did not leave, but stood at the door, waiting for her to open the door.

Su Qianzhuang said in a low voice, "People have arrived, you can go."

At this time, the housekeeper came out again and immediately warmly welcomed him, "Mr. Lu, please come in."

Watching Su Qianzheng's warning generally stared at himself, Lu Yanzhi's thin lips pulled out a perfect arc, and then walked in.

Su Qian stunned, what should I do? Inexplicably, there was a feeling of drawing a wolf into the room.

When she paused to enter, the old man and Lu Yanzhi had already said hello. Lu Yanzhi was not as sharp as usual, but was gentle with a gentleman.

Reloading reloading, Su Qianyu vomited in his heart.

She said she performed well in acting, but she felt that her acting skills were definitely not as good as Lu Yanzhi.

After all, acting is not good, there is really no way to be undercover! !!

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