His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1245 She Didn't Lie

Chapter 1245

Her heart is a little guilty. This painting is indeed not her own creation. But she didn't use it for any commercial exhibition, but piled it up as a finished work, but by accident, Tang Qianmiao took it to imitate.

I'm in a bad mood.

She didn't expect Tang Qianmiao to keep this hand, pinching the painting wasn't her own idea, she just copied hers!

She said: "It's been too long, I can't remember clearly."

Jiang Yuan: "Okay, the matter has come to light, you should apologize, you should apologize, you are still young, don't do this kind of thing again in the future."

Jiang Yuan represented Yu Manman's attitude. As soon as these words came out, audiences on the scene and online immediately sympathized and praised her for her generosity.

Qian Miao looked at Jiang Yuan from a distance, and saw the pride in his eyes.

He must have planned all of this long ago, planning to charge her with plagiarism from the very beginning.

If it wasn't for that kind of coincidence, she would really suffer from being dumb today.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

It's a pity, Jiang Yuan.

She raised her lips and said in a calm manner: "This work is actually from Su Yanluo's early work. It didn't have a name at first, and she treated it as a draft and threw it away. Later, I don't know why it appeared in the In Miss Yu's painting."

"Su Yanluo?"

The name suddenly appeared, and the people at the scene were confused again.

Jiang Yuan suffocated fiercely!

He knew about it, he heard Jixiang say it with his own ears that day, but Tang Qianmiao, how could he also know about it?

Now it's difficult, if you admit that it's Su Yanluo's work, it's tantamount to indirectly admitting that Yu Manman plagiarized!

Killing one thousand enemies will cost you eight hundred!

No wonder she was so confident and showed no signs of panic.

Jiang Yuan realized that he had been set aside by others, and he was unwilling to do so. He also realized that he had caused trouble for the Yu family, so he was a little panicked, and he didn't dare to look at the Duke.

After all, he planned this matter from the beginning to the end, and Yu Manman didn't know about it, nor did the people in the Duke's Mansion.

It's just that the original plan was so perfect, why did it suddenly have such a big loophole?

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he said, "You can't help talking! Where's the evidence?"

Qian Miao said indifferently: "The evidence is myself, and I am Su Yanluo."

Moderator: what?

Audience: What?

Judges: what?

Netizen: Is she crazy? Can you say all this?

Now, no one in the audience could remain calm, including Feng Xian.

He knew that she had always done things safely, so when he saw her calm face, he was not in a hurry.

Now, he was surprised again.

In fact, I should have thought of it long ago, I should have thought of it long ago.

He raised his lips and smiled, this little girl is really a treasure full of enigmas.

But other people are not as calm as him, and they can't laugh.

Voices of doubt rang out, and shocked eyes kept looking at her.

Yu Manman stared at her, stared at her, and fell into self-doubt.

Jiang Yuan frowned and smiled: "You are Su Yanluo? You are Su Yanluo, why did you come to participate in the competition? Didn't you know that this time Su Yanluo's works were also sent to the exhibition? It was in the exhibition area of ​​famous artists. It will appear, you told this lie, have you thought about the consequences?"

"She wasn't lying."

A cool and wise female voice suddenly sounded, and everyone turned their heads to look at the stage, only to see a lady in blue professional attire walking onto the stage from the right side of the stage.

"It's Teacher Jixiang!"

"Is she Yu Manman's teacher?"

"OMG, I... seem to start to believe Tang Qianmiao's words..."

"Mr. Ji Xiang doesn't need to lie, this play is really good, and there are too many reversals!"

"This year's art exhibition is so exciting..."

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