His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1246 I still made a fool of myself

Chapter 1246

The representative of the sponsor looked stiff, and asked Jixiang with a smile: "Mr. Jixiang, what do you mean..."

Jixiang looked at Tang Qianyu and said, "This incident is actually a misunderstanding. I didn't expect that an unintentional action of mine would cause such a big misunderstanding today. Speaking of it, it was all because I was not rigorous in doing things.

As Ms. Tang said, she is indeed Su Yanluo, and also my most proud disciple. She has been very low-key before and never showed up, so it is rumored that she is a middle-aged man. To refute the rumors, but since she came today, I can't hide it from everyone. "

Those words completely changed the way everyone looked at Tang Qianmiao!

"She is Su Yanluo! Su Yanluo is so young!"

"I really like Su Yanluo's work, it's really a new star!"

"I wanted to say this when I was going to comment just now. Her style is the same as Su Yanluo's previous works!"

"Then what happened to the plagiarism? She is Su Yanluo, so it is impossible to plagiarize."

In an instant, everyone looked at Yu Manman and Ji Xiang with doubts.

Seeing Jixiang's helplessness, Yu Manman was flustered, and Jiang Yuan was nervous.

Jixiang continued: "The original of this painting is indeed Su Yanluo, who is today's Tang Qianmiao. She is extremely talented and learns very quickly. She can create a very good painting after only staying by my side for a few months. During the work period, I drew this "Human World and Fireworks", which was thrown away by her as a waste manuscript. I felt it was a pity, so I took it back and put it aside.

Later, I became Yu Manman's teacher. I wanted to see her level, so I took out this painting and asked her to imitate it. I didn't think much about it. I didn't expect that it would cause today's misunderstanding. In fact, these two children don't know affectionate. "

The matter finally came to light, and Tang Qianmiao's doubts came to light one by one. Everyone in the judging panel regained their dignity and smiled.

Now it's all right, there is no plagiarism in the works of the competition, and they didn't miss it.

As for the two overlapping works, it was just a misunderstanding, not malicious plagiarism.

Although Yu Manman imitated that painting, the reason was the teacher's request, not her own idea, and she did not use that painting for any commercial purposes.

This incident ended with an auspicious apology.

The first place is still Tang Qianmiao, but when it was announced to the public, Su Yanluo's name was used.

Many people wondered why she participated in the competition, since her position was already very stable.

She just looked at Jiang Yuan, raised her lips slightly, and said nothing.

The other party seemed to be severely defeated, his face was ashen, and he left with a cold snort.

After the conference ended, it was time for free viewing and interviews.

Qian Miao left early, did not accept media interviews, and met with teacher Ji Xiang backstage to catch up.

On the other hand, Yu Manman did not accept any interviews.

When Jixiang announced that Tang Qianmiao was Su Yanluo, she could hardly stand still and her whole body was cold.

In the end, he forced himself to walk down the stage, his steps numb and stiff.

She knew that, in fact, she still made a fool of herself.

Because she was not original, but she swore that Tang Qianmiao copied her.

Including Jiang Yuan's testimony, and everything she said on the stage, looking back now, is a big joke.

She shouldn't be on stage!

It's all right now, it has become a place where others criticize her, and she will have no face in the future.

"Manman, cheer up, you haven't lost." Old Man Yu said.

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