His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1260 Feng Xian is drunk by my side, come here

Chapter 1260

This word made her happier than three catties of honey, and she felt a sense of relief.

Jiang Yuan immediately sent someone to arrange for Tang Xin's people, and at the same time brought the two of them into a secret room.

This secret room is on the basement floor, there are no windows around it, the background of the space is pure white, and it is very quiet.

There are two beds in it, lights, and other than that, there is not much else.

"Lie down."

The two obediently lay down.

At this time, the relationship between the three of them resembled a doctor-patient relationship.

Jiang Yuan changed into a white coat and glasses, and he looked more calm and clean than before.

He glanced at the hands of the two, and took the initiative to pull them over and put them together: "Hold hands, what I say later, you just listen, remember, you must cooperate with me, otherwise the laboratory will not be discussed! "

Qian Miao raised her eyebrows: "Of course."

Jiang Yuan looked at her with a feeling of uneasiness, which was different from what he had imagined, and it went so smoothly.

It went a bit beyond imagination.

He said: "You guys adjust, let go of your state, I'll go get something, and I'll come in in a while."

After finishing a sentence, he walked out.

Qian Miao pinched the man's palm with his fingers, looked at the ceiling, and said, "Are you afraid that the secrets of your heart will be stolen during hypnosis?"

Feng Xian held her hand instead, and said slowly: "Play with you first, the rest is not important."

She smiled, feeling warm in her heart.


Jiang Yuan sent a text message to Yu Manman, asking her to come over here.

Not long after, he walked in.

"Okay, let's get started."


When Yu Manman saw the text message, he was dealing with Hua Zijin's contract renewal.

Just in the past hour, she made a major discovery. She found traces of Su Yanluo's painting in the draft that Hua Zijin sent before.

This discovery made her feel numb all over, her eyes were in a trance, and she was eager to confirm.

Hua Zijin is a designer she has always liked and respected very much. In her heart, Hua Zijin should be over thirty years old, a man with rich experience and a free and easy personality.

But what she found now made her very confused.

As soon as she sent the manuscript to Ji Xiang for confirmation, she saw Jiang Yuan's message.

【Manman, Feng Xian is drunk with me, come over here. 】

She was startled.

My mind was filled with suspicion first, and then bewildered.

After thinking for a long time, she sent Jiang Yuan a message back.

[It's not suitable for me to go. 】

She can't pull this face to paste.

But the moment the message was about to be sent, she still deleted it, turned around, packed herself, and walked out with her bag.

There was an hour's drive between Yu's house and Jiang's house. In addition to the traffic jam, when they arrived at Jiang's house, an hour and twenty minutes had passed.

Yu Man walked in with a feeling of apprehension, and was led to a guest room by the servants.

Push the door open and go in, but there is no sign of anyone.

"Where is the person? Where is my master?"

Servant: "I'm sorry Miss Yu, I don't know, the master told me to take you here as soon as I see you, and let you wait for a while."

Yu Manman's doubts grew even bigger. After thinking about it for a while, he planned to wait.

The servant went out and gently closed the door, but failed to close it tightly, just covered it.

Yu Manman didn't pay attention to these small details, and looked up the room. Behind the window of this room is a small yard with a pond, which is quiet and pleasant.


(Seeking to hit the list, babies!)

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