His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1261 If I don't come out again, I will smash the door

Chapter 1261

She leaned against the window and stared at the water, still unable to restrain the tension in her heart. She knew that this matter was not that simple, and that she came here probably because of some kind of arrangement by her elders.

Feng Xian won't get drunk for no reason, and he's still in Jiangfu.

Even if he was drunk, Tang Qianmiao should have come to pick him up, not her.

She knew this, but still couldn't hold back. The mood at this time is very complicated, the excitement is mixed with excitement and anxiety, and there is a trace of guilt.

Like... stealing something.

She shook her head violently, telling herself it was nothing.

"Yu Manman, calm down, calm down!"


A strange sound came, as if someone had locked the door hard. She looked back at the door, and found that the door had left a set of cracks and was not closed tightly.

Her whole body tensed instantly, her ears pricked up: "Who? Who is peeking at me?"

Her answer was silence.

"Impossible, I clearly heard it."

She muttered to herself, the more nervous she became, the more nervous she became, especially at such a critical time.

After a while, she took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and planned to see what was going on.

She knew that the voice was coming from the next door, so she went directly to the door next door and knocked.

"Open the door, I know someone is inside."

It was still all quiet.

Yu Manman was annoyed, she hated this kind of behavior.

"Open the door!"

No one answered.

Across a door, in a pitch-black room, a group of figures huddled in the corner, covering their mouths, with fear and terror in their clear eyes. He was trembling all over, as cold as water, like a badly injured cat, hiding in a corner, terrified of being discovered.

Yu Manman outside the door couldn't figure out the situation, and was completely angered by this speechless behavior. So the servant brought the key and opened the door.

The servant ran over with the key and explained: "There is another guest inside, and the master said not to disturb."

"Sure enough, someone is there!" Yu Manman's delicate face was stained with displeasure.

At this time, her mood was already sensitive, and she was easily provoked by these trivial matters.

"Open the door, I want to see who is peeping at me!"

The servant had no choice but to insert the key to open the door.

He successfully opened the door and entered, but found that it was pitch black inside.

Yu Manman turned on the light and glanced around, but there was no one there.

The servant was puzzled: "Eh? It's obviously here."

Yu Manman glanced, and suddenly noticed a shoe in the corner behind the door, a boy's sneaker.

She snorted coldly, walked to the door of the bathroom, and knocked on the door with that shoe: "Come out, before I have patience, come out for me!"

There was no light on inside, but the door was closed tightly, and someone was obviously there.

Yu Manman still didn't get any response, so he turned on the light inside. The moment the lights came on, she heard a low hum from inside, it was a man's voice.

"If you don't come out, I'm going to smash the door."

As she spoke, she went to twist the doorknob, but unexpectedly, she turned it open.

With a sneer, she stepped in and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of her.

A teenager who looked about her age huddled in a corner, hugging his knees, buried his head in his knees, and tightly hugged his calves with both hands, making the veins stand out with too much force.

Those hands were fairer than hers, even a little sickly white, and they kept trembling at this moment.

The servant was startled: "Ah, what's the matter, is this?"

Yu Manman slowly came back to his senses, took a small step forward, and asked, "Hey, what are you doing? Pretending?"

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