His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1263 In a blink of an eye, you are going to get married

Secret room.

Hypnosis has started for more than an hour, and the room is quiet.

Jiang Yuan sat in the middle, looking at the two holding hands. Their eyes were closed tightly, and they had already entered the state.

He brought an hourglass, watched the purple sand slowly slide down, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"By tomorrow morning, you will have a decision in your heart."

This voice came into Feng Xian's ears indistinctly.


This is the back mountain of Sheng'an Temple. It is quiet and beautiful, and it is a very quiet place.

On a century-old tree, a woman was lying down, squinting her eyes and taking a nap. After a while, she was awakened by birdsong.

With a piece of dogtail grass in her mouth, she jumped off the tree branch and patted the dust off her body.

It was midsummer, and cicadas were singing everywhere. The sun is dazzling, lazy and long.

She remembered the days when she lived in Sheng'an Temple in those years, and occasionally after lunch, she would come here to take a nap. When I think of it today, I come here to miss it.

"Senior sister, Master told you to go over."

When she looked back, it was a young monk who had just started.

She smiled: "Okay, let's go back now."

Passing through a door with hanging flowers, she saw Master Songya.

He sat beside a stone table in the yard, surrounded by three young monks. The little monk randomly grabbed something on the table, and was lightly reprimanded by him: "Don't play with this, this is an invitation card, without this, we wouldn't be able to go to your senior sister's wedding."

Qian Miao raised her lips: "Master."

Master Song Ya looked up and smiled: "I'm back, sit down, come, eat this, Master just cut it."

He handed the sliced ​​apples to Qian Miao.

Qian Miao picked it up and ate it without restraint.

Master Songya looked far away: "You are a big girl. I still remember the first time I saw you. You were only so young. Now, you are going to get married."

Qian Miao felt that the apples were no longer sweet, and said, "I'm married, and I didn't marry far away. I married your apprentice, so don't be sad."

Master Songya smiled: "Master thinks time is too fast. You are 25 this year, and Master is also getting old."

Qian Miao smiled slightly to comfort Master.

Suddenly, she felt a little dizzy, and couldn't help but lay down on the table, and soon fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she was no longer in the temple, but in the Feng family's room.

In the sealed room.

There are only five days until the wedding, but the inside and outside of the house have been arranged in advance, and it is full of joy.

She stretched and sat up, her head still felt dizzy, she couldn't sit still, and fell back on the pillow.


The man walked over quickly and helped her up.

"Does your head hurt?" He asked softly.

Qian Miao shook her head and sat up straight: "It's okay, I haven't taken today's medicine, I'll be fine after I take it."

Feng Xian hummed, then turned around and got her medicine and water.

After she took the medicine, he peeled off a piece of candy and put it in her mouth, said with a smile, "Hold it, to dilute the taste of the medicine."

She swallowed it obediently, and the sweet taste spread on the tip of her tongue.

The dizziness in the head has improved a lot, but the body still has no strength. She leaned into his arms and snuggled up to him lazily.

There was a clattering sound, she raised her eyes and saw the rain curtain outside the window.

There was a faint smell of earth in the air, which reminded her of the earth wet by rain.

"Ah Xian, I want to go out and see the rain."

"it is good."

The man obeyed her, he was obedient, he gently picked her up, and walked to the terrace outside the house.


(Yes, now these are faint dreams)

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