His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1264 Hello, My Mrs. Feng

Chapter 1264

There is a rocking chair on the terrace, enough for two people to sit down.

He hugged her and watched the rain quietly, his hand slowly ran along her soft hair, kissing her forehead from time to time.

Qian Miao's eyes were in a trance, staring at the rain screen in a daze.

She's been a bit bored these days, the laboratory has been disbanded, her studies have long since ended, and even the company has been fully accounted for, nothing bothers her, and life is boring instead.

Fortunately, there is still Feng Xian, and he is with him.

He can be with her 24 hours a day, which is really good.

But she was asleep most of the time, unable to respond to him.

She doesn't want to sleep, but her body needs it, and she can't resist it.

When I woke up again, the rain had stopped. She was sleeping on the sofa, covered with a thin quilt, a bit stuffy.

The spirit has improved a lot, she put on her shoes and walked out the door.

There is the smell of rice in the air, it is time to make dinner.

She walked into the kitchen, and she saw Feng Xian. He is cooking, cooking with his own hands.

She walked over, put her face on his back, and hugged him.

"It smells good."

Feng Xian smiled, and said softly: "It will be ready in ten minutes."

"But I'm hungry now."

"Greedy." Feng Xian snorted lightly, but picked up a piece of meat, blew it, and fed it to her mouth.

Qian Miao opened her mouth and ate it, it was soft and glutinous, fat but not greasy, tasty and delicious.

"More." She hugged his waist, raised her head and waited for the feeding.

There was a soft smile in Feng Xian's eyes, full of love and tolerance, but suddenly froze.

Qian Miao blinked slowly, only feeling something flow out of her nose.

She lowered her head, a bright red fell on Feng Xian's clothes.

Another nosebleed.

The feeling of weakness in the body is getting heavier and heavier.

That night, she didn't eat much, and quickly vomited out what she ate, and spent the rest of the time in the hospital.

The wedding day was very lively, and many relatives and friends came to send them blessings.

She was dressed in white gauze, as holy as snow, sitting quietly in the room waiting for her sweetheart to pick her up.

After the bridesmaids and groomsmen had a lot of fun, the door finally opened. Feng Xian was dressed in a white dress, she was unparalleled handsome, her eyes reflected her appearance, gentle as water.

In the holy church, with tears in his eyes, the master of ceremonies announced with a smile: "I now announce that Mr. Feng Xian and Miss Tang Qianmiao are officially married. In this life, you will support each other and join hands for the rest of your life. Now, the groom You can kiss the bride."

Feng Xian lifted her veil, bowed her head and kissed her lips affectionately.

"Hello, my Mrs. Feng."

Relatives and friends applauded, but each of them got wet eyes.

On the third day after the wedding, it was a sunny and fine weather, suitable for playing.

Qian Miao's spirit is better than usual, and she can finally go out.

Feng Xian took her hand and walked slowly on the path in front of Sheng'an Temple, the two of them clasped their fingers tightly, very sweet.

When they arrived at the temple, Feng Xian led her in one hand, and the sapling and some tools in the other, and walked towards the back mountain.

There is a piece of land in the back mountain, which is very large and wide. They want to plant trees here, one tree a year.

The work of digging the soil was handed over to Feng Xian, and Qian Miao sat on the small stool next to him, watching quietly, with a smile on his lips.

Finally, she is in charge of watering.

The young sapling has just been planted, and it swayed slightly in the wind.

She said: "In the future, we will come here to plant a tree together every year, and let's number it 01."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

He specially made a sign and inserted it next to the small tree.

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