His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1268 When Luo Yan was injured, Qian Miao was furious

Chapter 1268

At the same time, in the city hospital.

Last night at around two o'clock in the morning, Qian Miao found Luo Yan in a dry ditch next to an abandoned factory building five kilometers away from Jiang's house. He was covered in injuries, as if he had fallen from a height.

After being rushed to the hospital, it was found that his lower leg was fractured, and there were many skin traumas. He is currently in a stable condition, but he has not yet woken up.

Outside the door of the ward, Qian Miao stood there for a long time without saying a word, her eyes frightening.

Feng Xian was at his side, and had already contacted several doctors to take care of the boy.

He put his arms around her shoulders and comforted her softly: "The doctor just said that as long as he is taken care of carefully, he will recover. Don't worry."

There was still dried blood on her hands, which was stained from Luo Yan's hands.

She was very quiet, and it took a long time before she made a sound.

"It's my fault. I insisted on letting him come out. I was too impatient." She said.

"He won't blame you." Feng Xian looked into her eyes and comforted her heart: "You don't know that this kind of thing will happen, so don't put too much burden on yourself, huh?"

Qian Miao shook her head, her heart felt heavy like a mountain: "I must know why he was injured, he was clearly staying in the room well, how could he suddenly run so far away? Moreover, even if he ran It must be because he was too emotional at the time, he couldn't even walk steadily, he could only run in a daze, I must know, who caused him to collapse!"

She raised her eyes suddenly, looked at him and said, "I want to go back to Jiang's house and find out about this matter!"

She did what she said and went back to Jiang's house immediately.

At that time, Jiang Yuan was practicing sword in the yard, when suddenly a servant came to report their visit. His first reaction was to not see him. He was feeling very sad at the moment and really didn't want to see him.

Unexpectedly, not long after he said those words, he saw two tall and agile figures descending from the roof of the gate, like fairies descending to earth!

He was stunned, envious of them who possessed such kung fu!


Before he finished speaking, a slender figure flashed in front of him, his piercing eyes made his heart stop.

"Master Jiang, I need to watch the surveillance, please cooperate."

Jiang Yuan frowned, feeling oppressed by the police coming to ask for cooperation.

Five minutes later, he had to call out all the surveillance cameras at home last night to prove his innocence.

"I didn't treat your friend badly. I personally asked someone to take him to the best guest room to wait for you, and I didn't let anyone disturb him. He was injured and had nothing to do with me."

Qian Miao was speechless, holding the mouse and quickly checking the surveillance from last night.

Soon, she locked on the surveillance camera outside the room door.

After Luo Yan entered, he didn't open the door, nor did he take the initiative to come out until Yu Manman came from the next door. For some reason, she came out aggressively not long after staying next door, knocked on the door next door, and yelled that the people next door were peeping at her.

Not long after, she asked someone to open the door and enter.

About seven or eight minutes after entering, Luo Yan covered his ears and yelled and rushed out.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan felt guilty.

"This... can only be said to be a misunderstanding, full of misunderstandings, and so is your friend. You should make it clear. Just make it clear. What are you going to do?"

Qian Miao's face was frosty, she let go of the mouse and stood up, her voice was cold: "Call the maid in the surveillance."

Jiang Yuan saw that her face was not right, so she turned away: "I resigned!"

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