His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1269 Don't go out yet, lest you get hurt by her

Chapter 1269

Qian Miao sneered: "Master Jiang, I am very angry and irrational now, are you sure you want to challenge my patience?"

Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, but his heart was stared tightly by these cold eyes, and he couldn't help but be touched.

The maid was called, and she had to tell everything she saw and heard last night.

She looked at Qian Miao and Feng Xian, and was a little terrified by their expressions, and her words trembled a little: "I tried to persuade Miss Yu, but she didn't listen to my advice and insisted on breaking in, which disturbed that The guest. The guest... seemed to be very sensitive. He was frightened when he saw Miss Yu, and his face turned pale. As soon as Miss Yu mentioned the wedding to him, he broke down and ran away eagerly. Later, Miss Yu Ask me about Ms. Tang, I can't answer, so Ms. Yu said to go to the master, I remembered the master's advice, I didn't dare to let her disturb me, so I went up to stop her, just... forgot to go find..."

She lowered her head and didn't dare to continue talking, because Qian Miao's face was already clouded and thunder was rolling.

The calm before the storm!

Jiang Yuan also felt the horror, so he had no choice but to show the air of the master, and said to Qian Miao: "It's just a misunderstanding, besides, Man Man followed everyone to find someone last night, she didn't have bad intentions, you guys Don't worry too much about it, how about it, I will talk to the Yu family about your friend's medical expenses and ask them to reimburse them."

Before he finished speaking, his collar was suddenly picked up, and his eyes were caught by a pair of cold eyes: "It's not that simple!"


Yu family.

After coming back last night, Yu Manman didn't fall asleep, and kept waiting in the room for news.

In the morning, the person she sent finally came back from the hospital to report the situation.

When she heard Luo Yan's injury, her legs went limp, and she sat at the end of the bed all of a sudden, without saying a word for a long time.

She finally knew now that Luo Yan didn't go for her, but just traveled with Tang Qianmiao.

She was mistaken.

After a while, she received a call from Jiang Yuan.

"Manman, listen to Master, this Tang Qianmiao is probably crazy, don't go out, lest you get hurt by her."

"Master, what do you mean by that?"

Her voice was light, she had no strength, and she was not in a good state, but when she heard Jiang Yuan's words, she was half awake.

Jiang Yuandao: "Just now she came to my place, watched the surveillance, and said that she will hold you accountable. I am really worried that she will hurt you. Don't run around at home."

Yu Manman was silent, with a mocking smile in his eyes: "She hurt me? Why should she? I didn't do anything to her."

Although she feels a little guilty towards Luo Yan, it doesn't mean that she is willing to be questioned by Tang Qianmiao Xingshi. If the crime was to be questioned, it should be the royal family of Jindan Kingdom, and it would not be Tang Qianmiao's turn to blame her.

Besides, there was nothing wrong with her.

"Master, I won't hide. If she wants to hit me, it depends on whether she has the ability. I will accompany her at any time!"

"Oh, Man Man, why are you so stubborn? I tell you to hide and hide, don't fight hard, what should you do if you get hurt?"

"Injured? I don't know who is injured yet!"

"Master told you, that girl is not that simple, she can hypnotize, and she is better than me, and her kung fu is also good. I don't know where she learned it from. In short, you can't beat her. If you really want to go out, Just hold a tranquilizer gun for self-defense."

"I don't need it!" Yu Manman felt insulted, and his voice raised several keys.

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