His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1274 She is willing to listen to him

Chapter 1274

Feng Xian remained silent, quietly put everything into the medicine box, then got up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

His face was as cold as a piece of ice.

Qian Miao scratched her head, quite disturbed.

She had promised him before the game that she would not be injured, but she broke her promise.

Feng Xian came out of the bathroom, but didn't come back here, but opened the door to go out.


The door is closed.

Qian Miao frowned and was about to go out.

The door opened again.

The man came in with a fruit plate, and at the same time ordered someone to deliver the food with his mobile phone.

After he finished talking on the phone, he also came to sit beside Qian Miao.

Qian Miao lowered her head and smiled, feeling satisfied all of a sudden. This feeling is amazing, it can make people feel relaxed and happy.

A peeled banana was handed to her mouth, and she was about to take it, but the man avoided it.

"Don't do anything, stay well." He said softly.

All right, she was wronged.

She took a bite, and took a second bite, her mouth filled with a sweet taste.

The man reached out to wipe the flesh from the corner of her mouth, his slightly tense face finally loosened, and his voice softened: "I've changed my mind."

She looked at him blankly.

He looked at her, but after all he couldn't bear to keep his face cold, and said softly: "I decided not to spoil you so much, lest I spoil you, and if I don't care about my body, it will also hurt my heart."

Qian Miao blinked and lowered her eyes again, without saying a word, she subconsciously picked the porcelain doll's eyes with her fingers, but found that the porcelain doll was not here, and her fingers felt a little empty.

The man smiled slightly, and returned to his usual gentle look towards her, and even stroked her hair.

"If you have something to do in the future, share it with me, and I will block it for you."

"Your drive forward just now was really scary, as if you didn't even care about yourself."

Qian Miao leaned back, was silent for a while, and then hummed.

He didn't refute or change the topic, but listened to his suggestion obediently.

This obedience came from the heart, and she did not reject it.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and someone pushed open the door and entered without waiting for a response.

Qian Miao glanced at it casually, and saw a girl sticking her head in from the outside, with long black hair and a pretty face, with a hanging tag hanging down her neck.

The hanging tag is a red ribbon, which represents the middle-level managers within the Minghuang Group.

"Mr. Tang, I'm here to deliver the food."

Qian Miao glanced at Feng Xian: "Did you call my company just now?"

"Ah, no." The woman waved her hand with a smile, and answered for Feng Xian: "I happened to meet the food truck that delivered the food. I saw that they were not familiar with this place, so I did it for me. Hello Mr. Tang, I am the manager of Minghuang's product development department. Cang Lan, President Tang's match just now was really exciting, I'm already your fan, it's really great."

Her eyes showed admiration and love for Qian Miao.

Qian Miao nodded slightly and asked her to put the food on the table.

Before going out, Cang Lan looked at her and said, "Mr. Tang, can I add your WeChat? I really like you."

A thousand meals.

It should be the first time for her to be WeChat by a woman.

The reason is still because he likes her.

She generally doesn't add people at will, if it's not a friend, or something.

She gave the decision to the man next to her, and said, "Ask him."

The man who had been silent all this time took the initiative inexplicably. Facing Cang Lan's expectant eyes, he finally asked her a question and said that the WeChat ID was hidden in the answer.

Cang Lan took the question and left with a dazed look on her face.


(Red|Sleeve Romance Contest continues to hit the rankings! Break into the top three and there will be explosive changes! There are many people and strength, I hope everyone can help support a wave, try to subscribe and support before December 23, so that more people can see Brother indistinct chord~)

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