Chapter 1275

The news that Yu Manman was injured and sent to the hospital spread like wildfire, and spread throughout the large and small cities of country A.

Some people say that this is a fair duel, and it is normal for there to be winners and losers.

Some people say that the game should be played to the end and should not hurt people, let alone the opponent is the little princess of the Duke's Mansion.

In short, most of them cursed, and some even suggested that Tang Qianmiao be imprisoned for crimes.

At this time, the Duke's Mansion was shrouded in a cloud of darkness. Servants have to be careful when they are on errands, lest one accidentally offend the master and be treated as a punching bag.

Because he was worried about being disturbed, Yu Manman had returned to Yu's house an hour ago, and brought doctors and nurses over to treat him at home.

The result of the examination made the old man almost faint with anger, and also made Yu's mother feel distressed, and she shed tears on the spot.

The result sheet showed that Yu Manman had three mild fractures all over his body, namely the calf, left arm and ribs, and it would take some time to recover. In addition, there are many skin injuries on the body, bruises and swollen eyes, the skin on the waist is rubbed on the ground, and the pants on the knees are directly torn. The wound is almost as big as a fist!

These shocking scars completely broke the bottom line of the Yu family, they couldn't tolerate it, and they weren't prepared to tolerate it.

Old Master Yu said that he would not shut her up for ten or eight years, and he would never stop!

According to the principle of territorial jurisdiction, although Tang Qianmiao is a foreigner, country A has the right to prioritize this matter.

On that day, Minghuang Group was surrounded by guards inside and out, and the police came to the door to arrest people for the crime of intentional injury.

At the same time, the news reached the Tang family and Feng family of country G.

Tang Yi woke up early in the morning and was about to go to the hospital to see his youngest son when he suddenly received a call from the company.

"Mr. Tang, the Yu family in country A called just now, and the eldest lady caused trouble there."

Tang Yi was thinking about why the Yu family would suddenly contact him, but when he heard that it was about Tang Qianmiao, he frowned.


"The Yu family said that the young lady maliciously injured the young lady of the Yu family, and now she has called the police to arrest her. I hope you can come forward and give an explanation."

Tang Yi's eyes were gloomy, and he hung up the phone.

Eldest sister Tang Qin patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, what are you doing in a daze? Ruyi is waiting for you in the hospital."

Tang Yi was silent.

Seeing that his face was earthy, even bruised, Tang Qin asked suspiciously, "Who is calling, is it that girl?"

Tang Yi raised his eyes, didn't say much, just said: "Let's go."

Tang Qin was very curious and asked a few words, but Tang Yi didn't say anything.

After a while, the car drove to the hospital.

On the other side, Old Man Feng also received the latest news. After pondering for a long time, he called Qiao Shiwan and Feng Yan to him.

Qiao Shiwan felt that being called over early in the morning must be something important, and she couldn't sit still.

"Dad, if you have something to say, hurry up, we are all listening."

Feng Yan: "Is it about Ah Xian?"

The old man didn't beat around the bush this time, and directly ordered: "You pack Miaomiao's luggage immediately and send it to the Tang family. Also, call Ah Xian and tell him that something important happened at home, and ask him to come back immediately."

Qiao Shiwan and her husband looked at each other with solemn expressions: "Dad, did something serious happen? Why did you drive Miao Miao away for no reason?"

The old man's old eyes were deep in thought, and he said slowly: "I don't want to drive her away, I really like this child from the bottom of my heart, but if I like it, I like it. I have to think about the Feng family, do you understand?"

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