His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1282 Start to rely on him, wait until you like me (four more)

Chapter 1282

Feng Xian waved his hand, all the hidden guards upstairs retreated, and the building was quiet again inside and outside.

He turned his head and belatedly realized that Qian Miao seemed to be staring at him the whole time. It was a look that was rarely seen in her eyes, like appreciation and liking.

She stood under the light, her fair cheeks were wrapped in a soft halo, with a slight smile, which made people's hearts move.

"Are you scared?" He went up the stairs and asked softly.

Qian Miao shook her head, still with a slight smile on her lips.

"I thought I could have a fight." She tilted her head slightly and looked at him with a smile, and asked, "How did you know he would come?"


She nodded, but stopped talking.

He was in no hurry, waited, waited.

When she turned around and walked into the villa, after taking two steps, she took two steps back and said in a slow voice, "It feels like someone is coming out, it's not bad."

The corners of her lips were raised, her smile was full of satisfaction, and she was still a little bit shy. When she finished speaking and was about to leave, the man hugged her waist, and threw her head into his chest, smelling his warm scent.

He whispered in his ear: "The day is finally here."

She was stunned: "What are you waiting for?"

"Wait until you like me."

Qian Miao's smile deepened, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. The wall that had been standing high in her heart finally disappeared, and her heart began to become inert, and she moved toward him little by little.


Seal the house.

Feng Lie and Feng Yu failed to bring Feng Xian back, which made the old man very depressed. That day, he met Tang Yi.

The two met in a high-end teahouse. The quiet and elegant atmosphere can always make people calm down, but it was a surprise for the two of them.

"You should have heard about Miaomiao's stay in country A. As a father, why don't you say anything?" The old man looked at him tentatively.

Tang Yi's face was cold: "Let them handle the young people's affairs by themselves."

The old man laughed and laughed: "Your heart is really cold enough. If it were Wen Yu or Qian Heng who was there today, you should have already gone to deal with it."

After the old man finished speaking, he took a sip of tea unhurriedly.

"My family, Ah Xian, is ignorant and angered the old man of the Yu family. Now the relationship between the two families is tense. As the father, you have to bear the main responsibility. Go there and take your daughter away today. Before you come back, go to the Yu family in person. I'm sorry, let's forget about this matter, and the alliance will not pursue your family too much."

Tang Yi couldn't help laughing, his eyes revealed the sharpness of fear of life and death: "Old Feng, are you threatening me?"

"It's not that I'm threatening you, it's that your daughter's lack of measure has attracted the attention of the alliance. You also know that Feng Xian is one of the heirs designated by the alliance. You can't ruin his future because of your daughter. The alliance's side Unanimous support, Feng Yu marriage."

Tang Yi put down the teacup, his voice was a little heavy: "Although my father is gone, the status of the Tang family in the alliance is not to the point of being slaughtered. I understand my daughter, she is arrogant, but there is a reason for her. I won't beat people for no reason, according to my investigation, it's a fair competition, the descendants of the Yu family are weak, they can't afford to lose even if they can't beat them, and they won't be afraid of making jokes if they spread the word!"

Although he is a generation later than old man Feng, Tang Yi has a very high spirit, and he never easily gives in to others, let alone admits to being cowardly.

These words surprised old man Feng.

He probably never thought that Tang Yi still had this daughter in his heart, but after thinking about it, he felt that he was thinking too much. Tang Yi was just speaking from the standpoint of the Tang family, that's all.

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