His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1283 Don't Hit... Don't Hit Her... (Fifth Watch)

Chapter 1283

Withdrawing his thoughts, Mr. Feng said: "Since you don't want her to marry into my Feng family, you should take some practical actions! This incident is a very good opportunity. You hurry up and book a marriage for her. Our side , and will announce the good news of the marriage between the Feng and Yu families as soon as possible, and build up momentum first, these young people, unable to bear the pressure, will eventually compromise."

Tang Yi said slowly: "I won't stop Mr. Feng from doing what he wants to do, but no one can force me to do it or not. I don't care about this matter. If you really want to pursue my Tang family, I, Tang Yi, will accompany you at any time!"

This conversation is over.

Mr. Feng completely gave up on Tang Yi's path and decided to pre-emptively strike. He first asked someone to call the Yu family to send greetings to the sick Mr. Yu Zizi, expressing friendship, and then sent someone to send a betrothal gift list, waiting for them to nod and marry The news of the marriage can be announced to the world.


After Luo Yan lay on the hospital bed for a few days, his mood was worse than before.

He used to be able to at least talk and chat like a normal person when facing Qian Miao, but now he doesn't want to say a word, and he doesn't even want to eat.

Under such circumstances, the doctor can only go in to check his body and ask the nurse to change the medicine when he is asleep. Otherwise, it will cause violent ups and downs in his mood, causing even worse effects.

That night, Qian Miao heard the sound of raving, and hurriedly ran out of the room to Luo Yan's room.

On the hospital bed, Luo Yan closed his eyes and kept shaking his head, muttering: "Don't hit...don't hit her..."

Qian Miao frowned, holding his hand to try to calm him down: "Tang Xin? Tang Xin?"

"Monster... Go away, monster! Go away!"

He started yelling, raising his arms and jerking wildly.

After a loud cry, he sat up abruptly.

Qian Miao wiped his sweat and said, "It's me, it's my sister."

Luo Yan was breathing heavily, and his red eyes were wide open, but those eyes were so strange that they didn't seem to be looking at her, as if they were looking at a very scary stranger.

"Tang Xin, look clearly, it's me." Qian Miao said slowly.

Her voice is slow and soft, with a strong soothing effect.

Luo Yan's breathing became normal gradually, and he clenched her hand tightly, but tried to curl up, forming a state of self-defense.

"Drink of water."

Luo Yan shook his head, his eyes were distracted, and his whole body was still tense.

"It's okay, it's safe here now, no one can hurt you, you see, there is only me here, no one else."

Luo Yan raised his eyes slowly, looked around obediently, and finally returned to her face, the vigilance in his eyes seemed to be fading.

Qian Miao raised her lips and said slowly: "Those just now were just dreams, they were all illusions, don't be afraid."

Luo Yan opened his eyes, and the vigilance that subsided just now returned, and he murmured: "It's not a dream, it's not a dream..."

These few words were almost the first words he uttered in his sober state these two days.

Qian Miao sensed that something was wrong, and continued to ask: "What is that? Tell me, maybe we can help you solve it."

She remembered his babbling just now, and asked, "Don't hit someone? Did you see someone being bullied?"

Luo Yan tightened his hands, and his nails seemed to be embedded in her flesh.

She endured the pain, her eyes kept gentle.

Luo Yan twitched slightly, but kept saying the words "don't hit her".

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qian Miao stopped asking, and only waited until he was in a better mood.

However, in the quiet atmosphere, there were two seemingly unrelated threads in the mind that was constantly thinking.

She suddenly felt that the person Luo Yan was talking about was Yu Manman.

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