His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1286 I was kidnapped back then

Chapter 1286

Qian Miao said indifferently: "Use my rights."

Yu Manman had already expected such a day, so he pursed his lips and said unwillingly, "What's the matter?"

Qian Miao: "I want to know everything about Luo Yan and the specific source of the pink blood. You can tell me without reservation."

Yu Manman suddenly looked astonished, straightened his body, and looked at the girl standing in front of the window, who looked at her calmly.

She was stunned for a long time before she asked a few words: "You, how do you know about my blood?"

"It's a long story, you just need to tell me the reason, and you don't need to ask more questions."

A trace of displeasure appeared in Yu Manman's eyes, but she knew that she had lost, and it would be embarrassing for her not to agree to this matter.

After a while of mental construction, she said: "I can tell you about Luo Yan, but the matter about my blood is a secret, and I don't want to say it."

Qian Miao nodded, lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then said lightly: "Then there's no need to say it. If you can't do one thing completely, you can't get up and down in your heart. It's very uncomfortable. If this is the case, next time I think of something, I'll tell you later. .”

There is no dissatisfaction or anger in the soft and shallow voice, but it easily arouses the emotions in people's hearts.

Yu Manman grabbed the quilt, thinking that the next time the matter might be even more difficult, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

Qian Miao retracted her raised foot, leaned against the wall again, looked at her quietly, and waited for her to speak.

Yu Manman said slowly: "I was robbed once when I was young, and I was injected with poison by them. Actually, it's not a kind of poison, it's a new drug that is still under development. They used me as an experiment, and later , I experienced various discomforts in my body, but Master Jiang's appearance saved me. Although my blood color is still very pale, my body has basically recovered, just like a healthy person."

She seemed eager to explain, and the words that followed were a little hasty.

Qian Miao: "What happened to those people?"

Yu Manman shrugged: "I don't know, maybe I want money, or maybe it's because of my physical condition. Anyway, I was young at that time and didn't understand anything. In a state of coma, when I was basically not awake, my family members found me later, those people received the news in advance, and escaped, and I haven’t been caught yet.”

"As for Luo Yan, I'm really sorry. I don't have a deep friendship with him. I saw him once from a distance when I was a child. I didn't have a deep impression. Later, when I grew up, I only saw him in photos. After that, it was The chance meeting two days ago."

Qian Miao thought for a while and asked, "Is the time when you were kidnapped similar to the time when Luo Yan first met?"

Yu Manman thought about it for a while, then nodded slowly.

"I was robbed in Jindan country. At that time, I followed my grandfather and the others on a mission to Jindan country. After the state banquet, I felt bored, so I asked my nanny to take me to play. I was robbed that night."

Qian Miao thinks of the experimental base that was destroyed in Jindan country before, that is Haixi's experimental base.

The batch of experimental subjects that disappeared before also appeared in Jindan country.

"Hey... What's your relationship with Luo Yan?" Yu Manman asked.

Qian Miao was thinking and didn't hear her question.

Yu Man's heart sank, and he didn't intend to ask any more questions.

Too lazy to ask!

Anyway, it has nothing to do with her!

She pulled up the quilt: "If you're okay, please leave, I have to rest!"

Qian Miao didn't know what to ask, and left the Yu family not long after.

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