His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1287 Get out of Country A!

Chapter 1287

The trip was not entirely fruitless.

At least she is now 100% sure that Jiang Yuan's ability is far greater than that of everyone in their laboratory. This is in line with what Qian Ru said, so inviting him to join has become a must in the plan.

What's more, Luo Yan probably witnessed Yu Manman being robbed back then. Because of his young age, he was stimulated, so he couldn't get out of that psychological predicament at once, so he was autistic.

While she was thinking about something carefully, she suddenly felt a stabbing pain in the back of her head, a cold and sticky feeling stuck to her neck and hair, and slowly trickled down her spine.

The moment she turned her head, she saw a man with a basket glaring at her angrily.

In the next second, a group of men and women appeared behind the man, each holding a vegetable basket in his hand, glaring at her angrily, and threw rotten vegetables and rotten eggs towards her frantically.

There was a gust of wind blowing by her ears, and in an instant, two hidden guards appeared to block the rotten leaves for her.

She waved them off and left them alone.

She faced the group of arrogant people in front of her without changing her expression, her eyes flicked over their faces one by one.

"Get out of country A!" the man yelled.

The group of people behind them also shouted: "Get out of country A!"

"Disgusting woman! How dare you hurt our Princess Man, I'll let you do it!"

A woman threw a durian at her.

Qian Miao turned sideways to avoid it, tipped her toes, and the durian quickly turned back, landed on the ground with a bang, and broke into several pieces.

Everyone was shocked, some were frightened, and suddenly fell silent.

Three seconds later, the hostility all over his body was restored.

The man yelled: "Give me a fight, hit me, vent your anger for Princess Man!"

Qian Miao's eyes sharpened, and she casually pulled the sunshade cloth from the car and threw it into the air, instantly blocking all the vegetables and rotten eggs.

The shade cloth fell slowly, she faced everyone calmly, and sneered: "Together?"

This smile was piercingly icy, and it suppressed the courage of a group of people, and suddenly they all fell silent again, hesitating and not daring to charge forward.

Only the man in the lead maintained a high-pitched mood, yelling, beating and killing.

Qian Miao's eyes flicked across his face, and slowly looked towards a certain high-rise building in the Duke's mansion. There stood a woman with a noble appearance, staring at this side faintly, as if smiling.

She suddenly hooked a smile, her eyes couldn't reach the man rushing over here, but she easily blocked his fist and knocked him to the ground with one blow!

The man fell a big somersault, crying out in pain.

Qian Miao said lightly: "Who else wants to be on? I'm filming over there, I invite you to be on TV, how about it?"

"Ah, shoot?" A group of people were surprised.

Qian Miao said indifferently: "If you use more bullying less, innocent sneak attack, if these keywords are used as the title, there should be a lot of people reading it. You also saw my two bodyguards just now. They are photographers and are in charge of this shooting. Who Do you also want a close-up like him?"

She glanced at the man still lying on the ground crying.

The group of men and women looked at each other in blank dismay, instead of walking forward, they took a walk back and looked around vigilantly. Many of them were holding baskets to cover their guilty faces.

"I don't want to be on TV!"

"Didn't you just come here to teach her a lesson? Why did you have to be filmed? It's so annoying!"

"If it's on TV, the spittle of netizens can drown people. Just now, that person made the first move. This person surnamed Tang is the victim. It's not good for us at all to be on TV!"

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