His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1289 House Arrest

Chapter 1289

Judging from the examination results, it is not optimistic, and there are many physical problems.

"My father is sick this time. I heard that Miss Tang is the cause, so today I invite you to come and talk about it. Don't be restrained, Miss Tang. Now I am not talking to you as a queen, but as a daughter of the Yu family. I will talk to you as my identity."

Her voice was slow and slow, not rushing or impatient.

Qian Miao put down the checklist and said, "Please forgive me for being stupid, I don't understand what you mean."

Queen: "The duke's mansion has not been peaceful these days. I understand a little bit. The source is my niece Manman's marriage. As the saying goes, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell. I think that as long as Miss Tang is willing to help, this matter will be solved." It will be solved easily, and my father's illness will be cured soon, I don't know, is Miss Tang willing to give me this face and help me?"

A queen asked for help in person. If this kind of thing were put on ordinary people, I am afraid that they would have already knelt down and answered in fear.

From the beginning to the end, Qian Miao remained calm and calm.

She basically didn't think about it, so she said: "I can't make the decision on this matter. If both parties are willing, this marriage will naturally come true. I have never had the idea of ​​robbing the marriage, and I have no interest in it."

She smiled back slightly, seeming to be true or not. After a long silence, she suddenly said, "Miss Tang, think about it carefully. I'll deal with some things first. I hope to hear a satisfactory answer when I come here again."

"My answer is already clear and will not change."

Afterwards, he only glanced sideways slightly, glanced at her, and left without saying much.

Qian Miao sat from dawn to sunset, during which time she could walk around, but she couldn't leave the palace, and she couldn't get her mobile phone.

This is tantamount to house arrest.

She is not in a hurry, she should eat, drink, and rest when she should.

At the same time, outside the palace.

Seeing that the sky had darkened, the two dark guards who had been waiting outside couldn't help getting out of the car and waiting.

"It's getting dark, Miss Tang hasn't come out yet."

"Wait a little longer. If you haven't come out tomorrow morning, Miss Tang has already made arrangements, so we will follow suit."


The news reached the Duke's Mansion.

The old man just came back from the hospital, and his body is fine. As soon as I came back, I heard about Tang Qianmiao's entry into the palace, and I was relieved a lot.

"It's my daughter who knows that she loves me." He said.

Mother Yu was upset because she failed to teach Tang Qianmiao yesterday, but now she heard that Tang Qianmiao was summoned by the queen, and she felt a lot better.

"In front of the queen, I don't think she dares to be arrogant. Dad, this matter should come to an end."

"I heard that she hasn't come out since she was summoned yesterday. It seems that the Queen's aunt is testing her patience."

The old man said: "Where is Feng Xian? He shouldn't have done nothing."

"Feng Xian was taken away by Master Feng and hasn't returned yet."

The old man smiled, and said quietly: "Old man Feng is a little sincere, that's all, it's not good if the relationship gets stagnant, so write back to old man Feng, and say we'll meet some other day."

Mother Yu smiled: "Father, when the marriage is settled, it's time for the parents of the two families to meet."

The old man nodded.

But Yu's father said: "It's not that simple, Luo Yan's matter has not been resolved yet. Feng Xian is not full of selfishness, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"What's the matter with you, why are you always spoiling the fun!" The old man reprimanded, and glanced over with an angry look.

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