His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1290 Counterattack! Miss Tang has already made arrangements

Chapter 1290

Father Yu said: "I'm also seeking truth from facts, Dad. I wanted to go and see Luo Yan's yesterday, but I was rejected, saying that he was in a bad condition and didn't see outsiders. It seems that his injury is really serious."

The old man was disappointed by his words, he was in a moody mood, and was about to speak, when suddenly, someone ran in yelling "It's not good".

"Master, madam, sir, it's not good, now the news is spreading that Her Majesty the Queen is arbitrarily using her private power to impose house arrest!"

"House arrest?!" Everyone stood up straight!

"Hmph! It's clearly a rumor, go find out who spread it immediately, arrest and deal with it!" Mother Yu scolded.

The old man frowned and asked someone to quickly turn on the TV. This news came out as soon as it came out. At present, there are still people taking pictures of the gate of the palace, guarding to see if the queen will let them go.

Host: "According to the whistleblower, the person under house arrest is a national of G who won the championship award at the International Art Exhibition not long ago. At present, according to insiders, Tang Moumou is indeed not in his private residence and has not returned overnight. Call No way, suspecting that the freedom of communication is being controlled by someone, at present, the relevant person has contacted the embassy for communication.”

Just after reading the news here, everyone staring at the phone said anxiously: "Grandpa, many people on the Internet are mocking the queen and aunt, saying that she is not worthy of being the mother of the country, and I am so mad!"

Freedom of speech in country A. While the king and queen are respected by the whole country, they are also subject to supervision. Many people often put their opinions in the suggestion box, and some even comment on the queen's dress at the event. Therefore, when this incident comes out, the people of the country will not Because of her special status, she dared not talk about it, but instead, it sparked a heated discussion.

The old man looked solemn: "Don't embarrass the queen because of the Yu family's private affairs, but if you release him now, it will be true rumors, people say that the queen is guilty and afraid, so you must first let Tang Qianmiao speak up to clarify the matter , You send someone to the embassy to deal with it, don't make this matter bigger."

Father Yu nodded: "That's right, the initiative is now in Tang Qianmiao's hands, this girl really cannot be underestimated."

"Ah! There is also a video circulating on the Internet!" Someone yelled again.

The old man grimaced: "What's the matter?!"

The man raised his mobile phone and said with a bitter face, "Grandpa, look, this is our home."

He showed them a Heat video that had been forwarded tens of thousands of times. In the video, a group of people threw vegetable leaves and rotten eggs at Tang Qianmiao, and told her to get out of country A. Soon after, the group of people suddenly changed their attitudes, cast aside their responsibilities, and betrayed the buyer, Madam Yu.

After the end of this short video, an Internet celebrity host appeared and explained: "As you can see, a group of mobs were entrusted to bully a foreign girl. The buyer who placed the order is the lady of a certain mansion. The reason We guessed that it was because her daughter Yu Mouman was severely injured by Tang Moumou in a fighting match not long ago because of her ability to lose and refused to admit defeat. Therefore, she wanted to vent her anger on her daughter, so she came here Such a show! I have to say, this is really detrimental to the style of a famous family, I can't afford to lose..."

Before the commentary was finished, the video was shut down, because Mrs. Yu's face was extremely pale and her body was shaking.

Father Yu clicked his tongue and looked at her disappointedly: "You, you! How did you do such a stupid thing?!"


(It’s a new month, those who have a monthly ticket have cast a monthly ticket!)

(After the sixth watch, good night.)

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