His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1382 Empty Coffin

Tang Yi raised his eyes suddenly: "What did you say!"

He stood up abruptly, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Tang Qianheng hurriedly said: "I haven't met her, it's just that the smell is very familiar."

Tang Yi was shocked and overly excited.

After a while, he suddenly waved his hand to let Tang Qianheng go out first.

Tang Qianheng said: "Dad, I just said it casually, don't take it seriously, I hope you can cheer up, I still have you at home."

Tang Yi nodded perfunctorily, with intense excitement and excitement in his eyes: "Good boy, go and rest, go."

That night, a snowstorm suddenly blew up, and the wind was strong.

In a suburban cemetery, a middle-aged man was digging Yun Huan's grave crazily.

Finally, he lifted the coffin lid.

Empty coffin.


One week before the wedding, Wei Wu received a notice from Cao Li that he would leave Country G early the next morning and start to act.

It also means that she will miss Qian Miao's wedding.

Qian Miao could understand her, so she held a small party, which could be regarded as a bachelor party or a farewell party.

Except for her, no one knew what Wei Wu was going to do, so everyone thought it was a bachelor party.

To her surprise, Luo Yan finally had the courage to take social steps.

He agreed to join her small group before, but did not speak in it. The night before the party this time, she sent a message in the group, and he took the initiative to speak, or three words: I will participate.

However, on the night of the party, she couldn't contact him for a long time.

There was loud music in the house, so she walked out of the courtyard with her mobile phone to call him.

I called three times in a row, but no one answered.

"My dear sister, why don't you go in?" Cang Zeyue's eyes were slightly drunk, and his words were slightly funny, it seemed that he had drunk a lot.

Qian Miao didn't look at him and continued on the phone.

Cang Zeyue had a smile on his lips: "Dear sister, my father wants to buy you a dowry and ask for your permission. Look, he is so old, you can grant him one wish?"

"Shut up." Qian Miao suddenly said, with a serious face.

Cang Ze raised his eyebrows: "Who are you calling? My dear brother-in-law? Huh? He hasn't arrived yet? It's too rude to be late on such a day. Do you want my brother to teach you a lesson..."

Before he finished speaking, his upper and lower lips were pinched by Qian Miao's fingers, forcing him to shut up.

Qian Miao frowned, her voice was dignified: "It's nothing, just speak slowly, first tell me where you are."

On the other end of the phone, Luo Yan finally answered.

It's just that his state is very wrong.

"It seems that something happened to Yu Manman, I'll go over now to see."

"Huh? Her?"

"Well, she called me a lot just now and sent me strange messages and locations. I'll go and have a look."

Qian Miao became more thoughtful and said, "Stay where you are and wait for me to pass."

She quickly hung up the phone.

Just as Feng Xian's car stopped at the door, she walked out quickly, and hurriedly got into the co-pilot.

"Go to Luo Yan."

Seeing that she was so serious, Feng Xian didn't ask in detail, and drove over after knowing the location.

On the way, Qian Miao briefly told him what happened.

Behind him, Cang Zeyue also chased after him in a car.

Qian Miao cursed in a low voice, and was about to say that he was driving drunk, but found that Lu Wanyu was in the driver's seat.

The car quickly caught up and was even with their car.

Cang Zeyue smiled at her from the car window: "Sister, we are catching up."

Qian Miao was about to let them go back, but after thinking about it, it was fine, they were all here.

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