His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1383 Bai Mucheng kills Yu Manman

Chapter 1383

When she was working in the laboratory the previous week, she heard Yu Manman mention this week's itinerary, which seemed to be going to the Beijing branch of Lanli Company.

Yu Manman has a job at Lanli Company, so he would go there occasionally.

Luo Yan listened to her instructions and waited at the door of a coffee shop. After they met, they rushed to the location sent by Yu Manman.

That place is Lanli's underground garage.

Several people hurried down.

As soon as he stepped in, a gust of cold wind blew in, making Qian Miao's whole body tense.

"It smells bloody, very strong."

Lu Wanyu took a deep breath: "No."

Qian Miao said while walking: "The location is a bit far away, hurry up."

After thinking about it, she asked Lu Wanyu and Luo Yan to wait here to prevent Luo Yan from being stimulated by the bloody scene.

Several people quickened their pace and ran forward. In the huge parking lot, there was only the sound of their running.

Wherever he passed, there were a lot of sensor lights on, and there was no one else.

After running for two minutes, Feng Xian and the others also smelled that bloody smell, which was very pungent.

Finally, they found Yu Manman in the small warehouse in the parking lot. She was stabbed in the heart, blood flowed all over the ground, and she had lost consciousness.

Her finger wrote a scribble on the ground, as if she wanted to leave some information, but before she wrote it, she passed out.

The ground was dripping with blood, Qian Miao's scalp was numb: "Call the police immediately!"

Three hours later, the hospital.

Yu Manman is still in the process of being rescued. He has lost a lot of blood and may die at any time.

The police have cordoned off the scene to investigate the murderer.

In the corridor, Luo Yan was sitting in one place, with a haze around his body and his head hanging down.

Although Lu Wanyu stopped him from going in to see him, he still saw him when the doctor carried him out.

Qian Miao accompanied him, waiting together.

Five hours later, the operating lights went out.

The doctor announced that Yu Manman was not out of danger. If he didn't wake up by tomorrow night, he might become a vegetable.

She was transferred to the intensive care unit, where her condition remains tense.

During these five hours, several people from Qianmiao were summoned by the police to record their testimony. During this period, Qianmiao heard their conversation, saying that the crime scene was perfect and the murderer did not leave any traces, so it was difficult to solve the case.

Surveillance showed that after Yu Manman was injured, she hid in the small warehouse by herself, and no one else chased her afterwards.

As for the first scene where she was injured, there was no surveillance recording.

Now, I can only hope that she can wake up and identify the murderer.

This incident happened so suddenly, the Yu family came from country A overnight, heartbroken.

And at this moment, Qian Miao left the hospital.

She asked Feng Xian to help take care of Luo Yan, and left the capital alone.

On the plane, she took out a small red string from her pocket, which she found in Yu Manman's palm.

She only made two red string bracelets, one for charity, which was later bought by Feng Xian, and he still wears it now.

The other one, the earliest one, is to commemorate the establishment of LM, and the owner is Bai Mucheng.

She slowly clenched the bracelet, her eyes became deep and dignified.

Wucheng, Baijia.

Just like its name, the Bai Family Mansion is simple and elegant white. From a distance, it is a clear stream of all the buildings here.

In the quiet living room, Bai Mucheng poured her a cup of warm tea, which was fragrant.

He smiled warmly: "Hurry up and drink a little to warm up your body."

Qian Miao looked at him, then pushed the cup of tea away.

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

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