His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1384 Long-hidden love

Chapter 1384

It was very quiet inside and outside the house, and the people had been cleared away.

Qian Miao raised her hand, and a red string bracelet appeared.

"Give me an explanation."

A trace of surprise flashed across Bai Mucheng's phoenix eyes, and he lowered his eyes slowly, and smiled: "What do you want to ask?"

He fought back, calm and composed.

"I found this in Yu Manman's hands."

Her eyes are sharp.

Bai Mucheng laughed lowly: "Why, do you suspect that I did something to her?"

He took the bracelet and looked at it, and said, "Well, it is indeed the one you gave me, and it disappeared a while ago."

He was unhurried and his speech was perfect.

Qian Miao also had no solid evidence to prove it was him.

But she knew Bai Mucheng, the more he was like this, the more it meant that he had something to do with this matter.

He put on the bracelet, and the red marks on his wrist were still so fresh and glaring.

"Come here, does Feng Xian know?" He asked casually.

"The police said that the sharp blade flew out suddenly and pierced into Yu Manman's body. As I remember, your sword skills have always been very good."

Bai Mucheng raised his eyes, and there was a hint of impenetrability in his eyes.

Suddenly, he asked, "What if it were me? What are you going to do?"

He was still smiling, as before.

It seems to be talking about very warm things, rather than hurting people.

Qian Miao stared at him, already having an answer in her heart.

"Why?" She was puzzled and distressed.

Bai Mucheng stared at her deeply, speechless for a long time.

After a long time, his dazed eyes slightly retracted, as if he had made some important decision, he suddenly got up and said, "Come with me."

He walked towards the sunset projected from the floor-to-ceiling windows. The warm white knitted sweater and trousers contrasted with a faint halo, making him look like an angel.

Qian Miao walked slowly behind him like she did when she was a child, defenseless.

Because she knew that he would not hurt her.

Take the elevator to the second basement floor, which is more private and quiet, because the lighting patio is set up, and it will not be dark and dull.

Bai Mucheng played gentle music, and the romantic melody penetrated every corner of the second basement floor.

Walking into an exhibition room, Bai Mucheng pressed many buttons neatly with his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Miao saw the picture scrolls on the wall rolled up, and many photos appeared in the dark compartment.

She was shocked.

Those photos are all of her.

On the projector in the middle, there are scenes of her photos from childhood to adulthood, like a growth documentary.

And there are some past events that she has almost forgotten.

In the photo, a little girl in a camouflage uniform is hiding behind a haystack, holding a self-made slingshot in her hand, and a pair of eyes in the helmet are faintly visible, as sharp as a sword.

Bai Mucheng pressed the pause button, looked far away, and said with a smile, "Remember, this devil training base."

Qian Miao was stunned: "Those two people are you and..."

"A Xian." He said.

He walked over slowly, stroked the face of the ten-year-old girl on the screen, and said slowly: "Actually, I recognized you as soon as I saw you. I saw that you were having fun, so I didn't puncture you. At that time, I still wanted to see you." Look, what tricks you can play, you didn't let me down later, then I thought, this girl is not simple, but quite interesting."

He turned his head and stared at her affectionately.

Qian Miao understood the affection in his eyes, but didn't know what to say.

Bai Mucheng talked about the past as if he was telling someone else's story: "People in the alliance have high expectations for me and Ah Xian, so they threw us into this training camp to train our skills. This kind of life is very boring. I didn't expect it. You'll break in."

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