His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1391 Qian Miao Was Captured

Chapter 1391

Yu Manman sneered: "It's your good senior brother and our teacher, Bai Mucheng."

"It must be him, he sent the robot to kill me!"

"Did you follow his orders?"

Yu Manman remained silent, it seemed that he hadn't.

She said: "It's not him, it's you, isn't that robot yours?"

Even so, she did not doubt her, and her words were light and light.

"Why did he do that?" Qian Miao continued to ask.

Yu Manman's pupils narrowed slightly, and he said, "I accidentally overheard their conversation. I ran as hard as I could, but was overtaken by the robot! Bai Mucheng was there at the time, and I heard the robot call him master, and I heard the robot talk to him. Reporting your situation, they also mentioned the experimental subjects and said they would destroy them..."

She spoke messy words, and her emotions became more and more agitated.

Qian Miao pressed her hand and said, "Don't worry, he won't do anything to you anymore, you should take good care of your injuries."

Just about to leave, Yu Manman said again: "He said he won't let you get married, he's going to ruin your wedding."

Qian Miao's eyes flickered for a moment, and she quickly regained her composure: "I see."

She left here quickly.

This time, she rushed back to Jingyun Company from the hospital.

Xuan Se and Bayi were placed here by her, and she would take them out only when necessary.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the company, she heard noisy voices inside.

Immediately afterwards, the mobile phone rang, it was Liu Xinde calling, usually he was in charge of the company.

She hung up the phone and hurried up.

As soon as I entered, I saw Liu Xinde and several members of the Creative Comic Club looking devastated.

"What happened?"

"Miss Tang, you are back, Bayi is self-destructing!" Liu Xinde said anxiously.

"I don't know what happened, but it suddenly had the ability to control itself. It walked into the incineration box and started the self-destruct procedure. Now it...can't be repaired." The members were very sad.

Qian Miao paused in her footsteps, her face pale with shock.

She thought of the look in Bai Mucheng's eyes when he wanted to keep her, and his words.

Perhaps Bayi's self-destruction was the full stop between them.

She lowered her eyes slowly, her voice was lonely: "It's all gone."


In the evening, she returned to Jiangjing in the south of the city. The decorations from yesterday's party were still there, and the room was cleaned very clean.

The house was empty and there was no one else.

Wei Wu has already set off with Cao Li's team, and he does not know when he will return.

The only one followed suit.

Just when she wanted to have a quiet time, bad news came from Qian Ru - the base was discovered by officials and the laboratory was seized.

The reason is that she suspects that her laboratory is related to the turbulent monster, and she must cooperate with the investigation before finding out.

Not long after Qian Ru dropped the phone, there was a knock on her door.

Opening the door, she was greeted by several policemen in sacred uniforms.

"Miss Tang, someone reported that you invest in research on crimes against humanity, please come with us and cooperate with the investigation."

She nodded lightly, followed and walked out.

The two mischievous children Xue Han and Xue Nuan suddenly became very loyal, crawled out and stopped the policeman, telling her to run.

She smiled slightly, calmly, touched their heads, and said, "I'm just going to drink tea, and I'll be back in a while."

She looked at the car in the distance, and the black chicken stood there with an anxious face.

She gave him a wink and got into the car.

The police car left here quickly.

Heiji immediately called Feng Xian.


(Good night)

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