His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1392 Decides Qian Miao's life and death

Chapter 1392

Meanwhile, Alliance Headquarters.

Today's elders' meeting was absent from the Feng family's old man and the Yu family's old man. These two are elderly elders who have been secretly isolated for many years.

Besides them, Cang Ting from Cang family, He family and Mu family from country C are also on the isolation list.

Just because when the New Humanity Project first came out, the proponents tested the attitudes of these people and found that their positions were different, so they could only distance themselves secretly.

Over time, many things were not known to them, and there were many private meetings.

This time, it was the same.

The long conference table was filled with representatives of the most prominent families from various countries in Asia and Taishi Continent, and only some members of the Presbyterian Church could sit on the conference table.

The topic of their discussion today is the solution to Tang Qianmiao.

Because of her appearance, they disrupted their training plan for the next generation. At the same time, they also discovered that she was secretly researching the antidote for BDR, which to a certain extent prevented their plan, so it must be cleared.

Someone said: "Yesterday we made the news that the official people of country G would intervene. Now she has been taken away, and the direction of public opinion in the world is very clear. Now everyone thinks that the turmoil was caused by her laboratory. Calling to smash her laboratory, now that laboratory has been sealed, and the researchers in it have also been temporarily detained."

The elders nodded together: "Yes, this is very good. Now that the public is focusing on her, we just have time to deal with it. When her problem is clarified, we will also buy time. At the same time, she The wedding was also messed up."

"However, doing this will not solve the problem from the root cause. This girl is not simple. Don't forget, she holds the power of the Jin family. Her biological father is Cang Ting, and she is about to join the Feng family. She is too powerful. I don't agree with head-to-head, we have to think of a smarter way to let her fend for herself."

The person who spoke was the head of the Bai family, Bai Mucheng's father, Bai Hanjie, one of the elders.

His proposal was endorsed by many.

After thinking for a while, someone suggested: "Why don't we change our minds and take her in? This girl is actually a talent, and she has a lot of things worthy of our use. It would be a pity to destroy it like this. The most precious thing is that she is the first The only surviving test subject of the second-generation drug is very precious, if we can study her well, maybe we can take our research a big step forward!"

These words were inspiring, especially when the words of the second-generation experimental body were mentioned, some representatives who were obsessed with genetic modification also smiled and agreed.

However, Bai Hanjie said: "She has a stubborn nature, and she won't surrender so easily. If not, it will bring us a lot of trouble. This method won't work. It's better... to ruin it."

He has a fickle look on his face.

"Elder Bai is right. Feng Xian has automatically withdrawn from the alliance because of her. Bai Mucheng has been depressed for the past two days. The two heirs we worked so hard to cultivate have undergone such big changes because of her. In a word, a beauty is a disaster, this girl cannot stay."

"Besides, she is doomed to be short-lived after taking BDR. We are just ending her suffering early."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally nodded.

This meeting lasted for more than forty minutes, and finally decided the issue of Tang Qianmiao's life and death.

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