His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1399 He Wasn't in the Top Two

Chapter 1399

After a long time, she clutched her distended stomach and leaned back, wanting to rest for a while, but when she looked up, she saw an empty box.

Turning his gaze, he met the man's eyes.

"Have you had enough?" he asked.

Her eyes were confused, and she nodded dully with a heavy drunkenness, and then muttered: "I really want to vomit."

The voice was soft and soft, as if he had let go of all his defenses.

Cang Zeyue frowned slightly, and asked, "Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

Lu Wanyu sniffed and said, "It seems like I'm full."

The man sighed slightly, reached out to pick up the phone, and asked the person below to bring digestion tablets.

"Stay next to each other, don't move around, rest for a while."

Lu Wanyu wanted to do the same physically, so she leaned back, her lazy eyes showed sleepiness and exhaustion: "I still want to vomit."

"Then who made you eat so much?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he frowned again.

He made it.

I didn't pay much attention just now, I just saw that she seemed to have not eaten for a few days and nights, so I kept adding things to her bowl.

He was a little helpless, and laughed: "Are you a little milk dog?"

Her small face was confused for a while.

He said: "Only a little milk dog will not know whether he is full or not, and will keep eating, just like you just now."

She groaned, seemed to think for a while, and said, "So I'm a dog..."

This stupid and cute appearance made the man laugh. He couldn't bear the throbbing in his heart, so he lowered his head and kissed her face.

"Little fish, you're still cute when you're drunk."

He always knew that when she was drunk, she would become very innocent and easy to deceive.

Lu Wanyu blinked slowly, then turned to look at him.

The light is dim, and the atmosphere is hazy and slightly drunk.

Suddenly, she touched a pillow with her hand, and quietly blocked it between the two of them. It also blocked her nose and mouth, revealing only a pair of big innocent eyes.

Those eyes glanced at the man from time to time, and then dropped quickly.


Cang Zeyue suddenly thought of this word.

She is shy.

He smiled and looked at her curiously.

Then, he asked, "Xiaoyu, who is your favorite man?"

"My dad."

"Except for your father?"

"Well... my teacher."

Cang Zeyue's heart sank slightly.

He didn't even make it to the top two.

"Do you know who I am?" He suspected that she was too drunk to recognize anyone.

"You are a male butterfly!" she laughed.

Cang Zeyue was shocked by this title: "What, butterfly?"

"Well, butterflies like messing with flowers and grass the most, just like you!"

There was a dark look in his eyes.

But the girl suddenly leaned forward, with the corners of her mouth slightly flattened, and said, "Why are you cheating?"

The man looked serious and said softly, "I didn't cheat."

"You have, I saw them, they are all hugging your waist."

"That's not cheating."

"That's cheating!"

She suddenly became anxious, let him go all of a sudden, and punched him.

Cang Zeyue's shoulders were numb with pain, and he stared at her with deep eyes.

"Xiaoyu, I like you, do you hear me?"

She reacted slightly, but her face was still puffed up.

"I used to be reluctant to talk to women who are so many years younger than me. You are the first one, and you are also the first one to get rid of me."

Lu Wanyu felt all the grievances in her heart surged up, and looked at him with misty eyes: "You forced me."

Cang Ze became more and more tired.

This conversation is very familiar, and it suddenly returned to the state of the original quarrel.

He didn't want to continue the chat, because he knew that the chat would not be open, it would only be arguing.

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