His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1400 I like you, I like you so much

Chapter 1400

He never felt that there was anything wrong with his style, and he didn't understand why women would list his private social interactions as an obstacle to this relationship.

He also didn't feel that he had to give up a part of himself when he was in a relationship.

For him, falling in love is to add color to his life, not to subtract color.

"Today is a good day for you to get out of prison, let's not talk about that, eh?"

"I'm not in jail!" she said anxiously.

Cang Zeyue followed her: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, it's not going to jail, it's a three-day trip to the detention center."

She calmed down a little.

At this time, the subordinates sent Xiaoshi tablets.

Cang Zeyue took one and fed it to her mouth: "Swallow it, your stomach won't be uncomfortable after eating, I'll go for a walk with you after eating."

Lu Wanyu stubbornly shook her head, then got up suddenly: "I'm going home."

When she got up, she fell back in a daze.

"Go home after eating, and I'll take you back."

"Still sleeping here with me? Huh?" He handed the digestion tablet to her mouth again.

Lu Wanyu stared fixedly at him, then suddenly opened her mouth and bit down.

Even his fingers were bitten together.

His eyes, which were originally cloudy, were now covered with tears.

She said, "I hate you as much as I like you!"

The throbbing in the man's heart suddenly surged up, and an impulse drove him to press down on her, and a delicate kiss fell on her face.

He murmured: "Don't hate it, just like it..."

Her lips were blocked, her soft resistance was useless, her whole body was light and fluffy, gradually immersed in the soft lingering...

early morning.

The winter sun shines on the curtains, creating a warm halo.

Lu Wanyu opened her eyes, twisted her body subconsciously, and suddenly realized that she was completely naked, and there was a warm person sticking to her side.

When she turned her head in shock, she met a handsome face!

After seeing who it was, she breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned remorsefully.

Damn it, it's the second time.

After breaking up, he accidentally woke up in his bed for the second time.

She doesn't remember what happened last night at all, and only remembers the part when she was drinking.

She got up and was about to leave when her waist tightened when she was suddenly brought back into his arms by the man.

"Stay well." He hooked his lips, his eyes were full of complacency.

Lu Wanyu kicked his calf, and said: "I tell you, this is nothing, I am not a conservative woman, just treat it, just treat it as my physical needs, don't worry, I will give you money. "

The man frowned, and pressed his fingers on her lips: "You can't say such shameless things in the future, just say it in front of me."

what happened?

Why is he still... pampered?

Lu Wanyu couldn't figure out the current state.

He smiled: "Miss Lu, do you still remember what you did last night?"

Lu Wanyu was confused, frowned, and looked at him warily.

Cang Zeyue unhurriedly took out his phone, clicked on an audio, and Lu Wanyu's voice came out immediately.

"Asshole, I never want to leave you again."

"Well...do you want to get back together with me then?"


"What should I do if I regret it?"

"I won't regret it!"

"Huh? What if you go back on your word?"

"I won't go back on my word! I like you so much!" She smiled.

"Oh? Who does Lu Wanyu like best?"

"Cang Zeyue!"

"Not Cui Jinghuan?"

"Huh? No, that's an idol. Idols are to be cherished and admired, not contaminated..."

"Shut up, just say you like me."

"I like you, I like you so much!"

Lu Wanyu couldn't believe that the voice was her own, and was so ashamed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and slip in.

She became angry from embarrassment, and went to grab the phone, the man took the opportunity to turn over and press down...

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