His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1401 The drug test was successful!

Chapter 1401

Three days later.

Qian Miao started her third drug test, and at the same time, this day was also the day she ended being single.

The drug testing process is not long, she just needs to come back tomorrow for a full body checkup.

Qian Ru said that the effect of the medicine is relatively slow, and it takes several hours to have an effect, so there is no need to wait in the laboratory all the time.

After leaving the base, the two headed towards the city center.

Tomorrow is the day of the wedding, and the two decided to go get the certificate today.

On the way, she received a video from Lu Wanyu that they were helping her decorate her home. Balloons and flowers can be seen everywhere in the picture, as well as many small decorations.

She sent a voice message to Lu Wanyu, saying that she would go back to work together after getting the certificate.

Lu Wanyu said no, and asked her and Feng Xian to find a romantic place.

Qian Miao subconsciously glanced at the man driving beside her, and a smile appeared naturally.

She doesn't need to do anything romantic, just staying together like this makes her feel happy.

These feelings of happiness are something she couldn't experience in the past countless achievements, and it is a kind of unique happiness.

A sudden sense of dizziness hit her suddenly, and her smile froze slightly.

Feng Xian caught her change and hurriedly asked: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

"Hmm... suddenly very dizzy." She said.

Feng Xian stopped the car: "Let me take a look."

Qian Miao opened her eyes vigorously, but she couldn't dispel the feeling.

"It may be that the medicine has taken effect. Call Uncle Qian and ask." She said.

The phone was connected quickly.

Qian Ru's voice was dignified: "That's it, how about this, don't go to get the certificate, come back and observe first, this is the most critical step, you can go any time to get the certificate, don't worry."

Feng Xian immediately turned the car around and walked back.

Qian Ru, Jiang Yuan and others quickly gathered together to conduct a comprehensive inspection on Qian Miao.

Feng Xian waited anxiously outside, frowning.

After a long time, Qian Ru walked out.

"Uncle Qian, how are you?"

"Master Feng, don't worry, it's nothing serious, it's a normal reaction, and it's the same as the previous few times, drowsiness, but this reaction shouldn't last long, and you can still attend the wedding tomorrow as usual."

"Congratulations, her body's other data have almost returned to normal levels, and her hearing and sense of smell have not disappeared!" He laughed.

Feng Xian let out a sigh of relief, and quickly walked inside.

Qian Miao was already lying in the lounge, her eyes half closed.

Feng Xian walked over and held her hand: "Miaomiao, did you hear what Uncle Qian said? He said that you will recover soon, this time the medicine is a success!"

Qian Miao smiled: "That's great, when Wei Wu comes back, her illness will be cured."

There was a tiredness in her voice.

Feng Xian rubbed her temples for her, and said: "If you are tired, take a rest, I will accompany you."

"Okay." She relied on him and closed her eyes comfortably.

This sleep lasted for a long time, and finally got better at night, and the two went back to Jiangjing in the south of the city together.

Since they are getting married tomorrow, the two live separately tonight.

When the car arrived at the door, he woke her up softly.


(This book is about to enter the second volume, and this week is the end of the first volume, so everyone will have the illusion of the finale, hahaha, not yet, I have to fill in all the pits before ending, today is the end, by the way Foretell, there will be tens of thousands of words of explosive updates on the 30th of this month, so stay tuned!)

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